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@mjackson mjackson released this 07 Feb 22:15

You can track v5 beta progress in #751

You can install the v5 beta using the next tag: npm add history@next

Changes from 5.0.0-beta.4:

The main feature of this release is we've added some official TypeScript types, so you don't have to use @types/history anymore in v5! Instead, just use our built-in types.

The only other thing in this release is a small change to some of the environment-specific bundles. We've removed the history/memory bundle and also removed the createHistory methods from the history/browser and history/hash bundles. history/browser and history/hash still export singletons. Instead of history/memory, just use the createMemoryHistory function from the main bundle.

A migration guide will be available soon. For now, you can either browse around the docs on the dev branch or the tests.
