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Add ability to detect connect timeouts
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It's valuable to be able to detect whether a timeout occurred on the `connect`
syscall or on the `write`/`read` syscall of an HTTP request - the former
implies that your client can't reach the server and the latter implies the
server might not have responded.

For backwards compatibility, and standardization with Unix errno codes, the
`code` property of connect timeout errors must remain as 'ETIMEDOUT'. Instead
of changing this value, add a new `connect` property on timeout errors, which
is set to true if the error occurred on the `connect` attempt. Clients have
to opt in to checking it - in the common read timeout case, it will be set to

Updates the documentation around each timeout to clarify what is going on, and
what situations can trigger each timeout.

Updates the README with more accurate documentation about timeout times
in the wild. I tried `time curl` and `time curl` on four different Linux machines (Heroku, boot2docker,
Centos on DigitalOcean, a VPS) and the timeout times ranged from 60 seconds to
120 seconds, much longer than the 20 seconds previously suggested.

Updates the README with information on how to detect connection timeout
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kevinburke committed Aug 3, 2015
1 parent 7a42a98 commit 08bc390
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38 changes: 35 additions & 3 deletions
Expand Up @@ -784,9 +784,12 @@ The first argument can be either a `url` or an `options` object. The only requir
with your pool options or create the pool object with the `maxSockets`
property outside of the loop.
- `timeout` - Integer containing the number of milliseconds to wait for a
request to respond before aborting the request. Note that if the underlying
TCP connection cannot be established, the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will
overrule the `timeout` option ([the default in Linux is around 20 seconds](
server to send response headers (and start the response body) before aborting
the request. Note that if the underlying TCP connection cannot be established,
the OS-wide TCP connection timeout will overrule the `timeout` option ([the
default in Linux can be anywhere from 20-120 seconds][linux-timeout]).



Expand Down Expand Up @@ -938,6 +941,35 @@ There are at least three ways to debug the operation of `request`:


## Timeouts

Most requests to external servers should have a timeout attached, in case the
server is not responding in a timely manner. Without a timeout, your code may
have a socket open/consume resources for minutes or more.

There are two main types of timeouts: **connection timeouts** and **read
timeouts**. A connect timeout occurs if the timeout is hit while your client is
attempting to establish a connection to a remote machine (corresponding to the
[connect() call][connect] on the socket). A read timeout occurs any time the
server is too slow to send back a part of the response.

These two situations have widely different implications for what went wrong
with the request, so it's useful to be able to distinguish them. You can detect
timeout errors by checking `err.code` for an 'ETIMEDOUT' value. Further, you
can detect whether the timeout was a connection timeout by checking if the
`err.connect` property is set to `true`.

request.get('', {timeout: 1500}, function(err) {
console.log(err.code === 'ETIMEDOUT');
// Set to `true` if the timeout was a connection timeout, `false` or
// `undefined` otherwise.
console.log(err.connect === true);


## Examples:

Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions npm-debug.log
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'node', '/opt/boxen/homebrew/bin/npm', 'run', 'test-cov' ]
2 info using npm@2.13.3
3 info using node@v0.12.7
4 verbose node symlink /opt/boxen/homebrew/bin/node
5 verbose run-script [ 'pretest-cov', 'test-cov', 'posttest-cov' ]
6 info pretest-cov request@2.60.1
7 info test-cov request@2.60.1
8 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
9 info request@2.60.1 Failed to exec test-cov script
10 verbose stack Error: request@2.60.1 test-cov: `istanbul cover tape tests/test-*.js`
10 verbose stack Exit status 1
10 verbose stack at EventEmitter.<anonymous> (/opt/boxen/homebrew/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:214:16)
10 verbose stack at EventEmitter.emit (events.js:110:17)
10 verbose stack at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/opt/boxen/homebrew/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/spawn.js:24:14)
10 verbose stack at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:110:17)
10 verbose stack at maybeClose (child_process.js:1015:16)
10 verbose stack at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:1087:5)
11 verbose pkgid request@2.60.1
12 verbose cwd /Users/burke/code/request
13 error Darwin 14.4.0
14 error argv "node" "/opt/boxen/homebrew/bin/npm" "run" "test-cov"
15 error node v0.12.7
16 error npm v2.13.3
17 error code ELIFECYCLE
18 error request@2.60.1 test-cov: `istanbul cover tape tests/test-*.js`
18 error Exit status 1
19 error Failed at the request@2.60.1 test-cov script 'istanbul cover tape tests/test-*.js'.
19 error This is most likely a problem with the request package,
19 error not with npm itself.
19 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
19 error istanbul cover tape tests/test-*.js
19 error You can get their info via:
19 error npm owner ls request
19 error There is likely additional logging output above.
20 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
16 changes: 14 additions & 2 deletions request.js
Expand Up @@ -804,21 +804,33 @@ Request.prototype.start = function () {

if (self.timeout && !self.timeoutTimer) {
var timeout = self.timeout < 0 ? 0 : self.timeout
// Set a timeout in memory - this block will throw if the server takes more
// than `timeout` to write the HTTP status and headers (corresponding to
// the on('response') event on the client). NB: this measures wall-clock
// time, not the time between bytes sent by the server.
self.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
var connectTimeout = self.req.socket && self.req.socket.readable === false
var e = new Error('ETIMEDOUT')
e.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'
e.connect = connectTimeout
self.emit('error', e)
}, timeout)

// Set additional timeout on socket - in case if remote
// server freeze after sending headers
if (self.req.setTimeout) { // only works on node 0.6+
// Set an additional timeout on the socket, via the `setsockopt` syscall.
// This timeout sets the amount of time to wait *between* bytes sent
// from the server, and may or may not correspond to the wall-clock time
// elapsed from the start of the request.
// In particular, it's useful for erroring if the server fails to send
// data halfway through streaming a response.
self.req.setTimeout(timeout, function () {
if (self.req) {
var e = new Error('ESOCKETTIMEDOUT')
e.connect = false
self.emit('error', e)
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions tests/test-timeout.js
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,19 @@ if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') {

tape('should set connect to false', function(t) {
var shouldTimeout = {
url: s.url + '/timeout',
timeout: 100

request(shouldTimeout, function(err, res, body) {
checkErrCode(t, err)
t.ok(err.connect === false, 'Read Timeout Error should set \'connect\' property to false')

tape('should timeout with events', function(t) {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,6 +122,22 @@ if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') {

tape('connect timeout', function(t) {
// We need a destination that will not immediately return a TCP Reset
// packet. StackOverflow suggests this host:
var tarpitHost = ''
var shouldConnectTimeout = {
url: tarpitHost + '/timeout',
timeout: 100
request(shouldConnectTimeout, function(err) {
checkErrCode(t, err)
t.ok(err.connect === true, 'Connect Timeout Error should set \'connect\' property to true')

tape('cleanup', function(t) {
s.close(function() {
Expand Down

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