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#mantecao resmio UI Library powered by react components 💪

##Cool, how does it work? Do you really care? This is what you need to know

###Create dev environment

  • From the root folder, run npm start (takes a while the first time)
  • In your browser go to http://localhost:3002
  • 💥 Elements can be live edited in the browser (props, children, etc.)

###Coding components

  • Code the element (you can mimic src/components/TextField)
  • Require and export the react element in src/index.js
  • (so it is available with import {YourElement} from '@resmio/mantecao')

###Coding Icons

  • Insert the optimized svg innards into an component
  • Require and export the icon in src/icons/index.js

###To run the tests:

  • Write the tests inside the component folder (i.e. src/components/TestComponent)
  • Add .spec.js to the test so it is recognized by the testing scripts
  • Now you have two options:
    • npm test -> runs the js linter and the tests
    • npm test:only -> runs only the tests

###To publish:

  • Run the tests, if they fail fix the code
  • Once the tests are passing commit your code with appropriate comment
  • Create a pull request and have your changes reviewed
  • Bump the version in package.json manually (or check this for version types)
  • If you haven't do so, ask someone to add you to the npm publisher list for @resmio/mantecao
  • Run npm publish
  • (this will build the library, push it to npm and create the styleguide)
  • git add -A and make a new commit with the version number (i.e. git commit -m '1.0.0') and push to github

###I hate those linting errors, I want to express myself with my code. :trollface: We are all artists, I know. You can run npm run lint:fix to have the linter fix the errors automatically