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This is a simple static site generator for my personal sites. It uses Freemarker as a template engine and assumes that you write the content in Markdown. It has a built in web server, so it can also be used to serve the static pages generated. It should work well on any operating system provided that JRE8 is installed. To build it sbt need to be installed.

Getting Started

Download the latest release from the [release page] (


  • JAVA 8
  • SBT


Extract the downloaded package. cd to the n2sgen directory and run:

  cd $N2SGEN
  sbt assembly

After building add n2sgen executable to the PATH.

  export PATH=$N2SGEN/bin:$PATH

Create Project

Create a project

  mkdir myProject
  cd myProject

Launch n2sgen client.

  Welcome n2sgen. Yet another static site generator. Built in scala.
  Project name = myProject
  myProject not initialized>>>

n2sgen client commands

  init              Initialize project. This will create basic structure.
  new               Will create new page.
  help              Will print this help.
  compile           Compile and generate static html file.
  serve             Will launch a local server with the generate content.

rsync and ftp dont work in current version. Will be working in second version.

Configure Project

Initialize project and exit

  myProject not initialized>>> init
  Project myProject is initialized.
  myProject>>> exit

Open n2sgen conf file

  vi n2sgen.conf

Configure project name and the tags that should show in navigation bar on the site and save n2.sgen conf file.

  project-name=My Project

Change template

  vi templates/template

Change style

  vi templates/css

Launch n2sgen client.

  Welcome n2sgen. Yet another static site generator. Built in scala.
  Project name = My Project
  My Project>>>

Create new page

My Project>>> new
Title: First page
My Project>>>

This will create content/ This page will have following as first line.

<<<?title=First page||date=2017/02/04||tags=||published=false?>>>
  • published need to be set true if the page is ready to be published.
  • title is the tile of the page.
  • tags is comma seperated tags the page belong to. Like scala,java

Configure Disqus

Open templates/disqus file and replace ###discusjs### with the disqus js like: //**************

Generate html pages


Launch local server

  Project name = My Project
  My Project>>> serve
  Please enter the Port: 8080
  2017-02-04 16:48:10.813:INFO::main: Logging initialized @6040ms
  Server started press Enter.
  My Project>>> 2017-02-04 16:48:10.875:INFO:oejs.Server:scala-execution-context-global-10: jetty-9.1.z-SNAPSHOT
  2017-02-04 16:48:10.907:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:scala-execution-context-global-10: Started        ServerConnector@7b58c7e9{HTTP/1.1}{}
  2017-02-04 16:48:10.908:INFO:oejs.Server:scala-execution-context-global-10: Started @6154ms

  My Project>>>

Go to http://localhost:8080/