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This repo contains an HTTP server for dotnet targeting netStandard2.0/2.1, which means it supports .Net Framework, as well as Core. It is based on HttpListener and attempts to maintain the majority of features and supporting classes.

It is a bare-bones implementation, suitable for embedding in applications.

A useful feature of the implementation is that routes may contain variables. for example the route "{name:string}/{age:int}" can be routed to an appropriate handler, with the path variables resolved by name and type.

Other features include middleware, fluent configuration, and a replaceable router. Middleware implementations include compression and CORS.

The documentation is here.


The package can be installed through nuget.


This is taken from the examples folder:

using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

using JetBlack.Http.Core;
using JetBlack.Http.Middleware;
using JetBlack.Http.Rest;

namespace Example
    using RestRequest = HttpRequest<RestRouteInfo, RestServerInfo>;

    internal class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
                var server = new RestServer()
                    .ConfigureRouter(router => router.IgnoreCase = true)
                    .AddRoute(SayHello, "/api/v1/helloWorld", "GET")
                    .AddRoute(SayWithQueryString, "/api/v1/hello") // GET is the default
                    .AddRoute(SayName, "/api/v1/hello/{name:string}", "GET", "POST")
                    .AddRoute(SayNameAndAge, "/api/v1/hello/{name:string}/{age:int}");

                await server.RunAsync();

        public static Task<HttpResponse> SayHello(RestRequest request)
            var response = HttpResponse.FromString(
                "Hello, World!",
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK);

            return Task.FromResult(response);

        public static Task<HttpResponse> SayName(RestRequest request)
            var name = request.RouteInfo.Matches["name"];

            var response = HttpResponse.FromString(
                $"Hello, {name}!",
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK);

            return Task.FromResult(response);

        public static Task<HttpResponse> SayNameAndAge(RestRequest request)
            var name = request.RouteInfo.Matches["name"];
            var age = request.RouteInfo.Matches["age"];

            var response = HttpResponse.FromString(
                $"Hello, {name}, you are {age}!",
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK);

            return Task.FromResult(response);

        public static Task<HttpResponse> SayWithQueryString(RestRequest request)
            var name = request.Request.QueryString.Get("name");
            var age = request.Request.QueryString.Get("age");

            var response = HttpResponse.FromString(
                $"Hello, {name ?? "nobody"}, you are {age ?? "a mystery"}!",
                statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK);

            return Task.FromResult(response);


Two properties are provided for maintaining state on the HttpRequest object: RouteInfo and ServerInfo. The lifetime of ServerInfo is the lifetime of the server. The lifetime of RouteInfo is that of the invocation of the route.


The default REST router allows variables in path names: i.e. /foo/bar/{name:string}/{age:int}. The available types are: string, int, double, datetime, path. The path type captures the remaining path as a string, and must be the last variable.

The variables are stored in the Matches property on the HttpRequest.RouteInfo.


The middleware is nested, is called in order, and has access to both the request and the response.

Given the following middleware:

public static async Task<HttpResponse> FirstMiddleware(
    RestRequest request,
    Func<RestRequest, CancellationToken, Task<HttpResponse>> handler,
    CancellationToken token)
    var response = await handler(request, token);
    return response;

public static async Task<HttpResponse> SecondMiddleware(
    RestRequest request,
    Func<RestRequest, CancellationToken, Task<HttpResponse>> handler,
    CancellationToken token)
    var response = await handler(request, token);
    return response;

The output would be:



This was derived from Cherry.