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An easy-to-use SRGAN-based Super Resolution tool using PyTorch


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An easy-to-use SRGAN-based Super Resolution tool using PyTorch to upscale images by 4x in each direction.

System Requirements

The following hardware and software versions are required to properly use this repository:

  • Python Version: 3.7 or newer (including PIP)
  • PyTorch Version: 1.10.0 or newer (torchrun binary required for distributed)
  • Pillow Version: 7.1.2 or newer
  • Scikit-Learn Version: 0.18.2 or newer
  • Operating System: Linux-based (tested on Ubuntu 20.04)
  • Recommended CPU Cores: 4 or higher
  • Recommended system Memory: 16GB or higher
  • Docker Version: 19.03 or newer (if using Docker)

The application also supports Weights and Biases (WandB) for performance and accuracy metrics. If desired, a recent version of the wandb Python package can be installed via pip to monitor these metrics.

GPU Requirements

GPUs can dramatically improve performance by 10x or more. This repository only supports recent GPUs from NVIDIA with the following requirements:

  • CUDA Version: 10.0 or newer
  • Driver Version: 450 or newer
  • GPU Architecture: Volta or newer
  • Recommended GPU Memory: 8GB or higher
  • NVIDIA Container Runtime (if using Docker)

For multi-GPU communication over NCCL, NVLink is highly recommended.


To train a new model, a dataset needs to be downloaded and extracted locally. While most any dataset can be used, it is recommended to download both DIV2K and FLICKR2K into a single directory for a broad dataset. TorchSR handles the data preprocessing so only the high resolution images from each dataset are needed for training and the downloaded low resolution images can be ignored. To download and extract the datasets, run the following steps (the download may take a while depending on network speeds):

# Download the datasets
# Extract both datasets
tar -xvf Flickr2K.tar
# Create a directory to save the dataset to
mkdir -p dataset
# Transfer all images to the dataset directory
mv DIV2K_train_HR/*.png dataset/
mv Flickr2K/Flickr2K_HR/*.png dataset/
# Cleanup all archives
rmdir DIV2K_train_HR
rm -rf Flickr2K
rm Flickr2K.tar

NOTE: While most any high-resolution dataset can be used for training, it is recommended to only use images saved in the PNG format as JPEGs can introduce artifacts on the images due to their lossy nature.


Install all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file with pip:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, to make it easier to use the application, a Python wheel can be built and installed. To build the package, run the following:

python3 bdist_wheel

This will create a dist/ directory locally which contains the newly built Python wheel. Install the wheel with:

pip3 install dist/torchsr-*.whl

Verify the package was installed correctly with:

$ torchsr --help
usage: torchSR Version: 0.1.0 [-h] [--local_rank N] function ...

positional arguments:
    train         Train an SRGAN model against an HD dataset.
    test          Generated a super resolution image based on a trained SRGAN model.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  --local_rank N  Rank for the local process. Used for distributed training.

The remainder of the documentation assumes the Python wheel has been built and installed. If running the code directly from source and not using the wheel, replace any torchsr ... commands below with python3 -m torchsr.torchsr ... for identical functionality. Note that if any changes are made locally to the code, the wheel will need to be rebuilt and reinstalled following the steps above.


The repository also supports Docker containers where the package can be prebuilt and installed in a container with known dependencies installed. To build the container, clone the repository and run the following inside the repository's root directory:

docker build -t torchsr:0.1.0 .

This will build a new Docker container with the latest requirements and code.

To launch the container, run the following:

docker run --rm -it \
    --gpus all \  # If using GPUs
    -v /path/to/dataset:/dataset \
    --shm-size=16g \

Update the -v /path/to/dataset:/dataset to the path to where the dataset was downloaded during the setup. This will map the directory inside the container where it can be used freely. Omit the --gpus all flag if not using GPUs.

Once inside the container, the torchsr command is in the PATH and all commands below will run by default.


With the application fully configured and installed, training can begin. TorchSR attempts to automatically set as many parameters as possible to make the application easy to use. To use the default parameters, simply run

torchsr train

to initiate the training process. By default, this will use the dataset saved to dataset/ locally and run on as many supported GPUs as possible.

Advanced Usage

Certain parameters can be used to further tune performance and accuracy depending on the dataset and local environment among other variables. Here are some of the more common parameters that can be specified for different functionality:

  • --batch-size N: Use a different batch size from the default. While any positive integer can be used, it is recommended to use a number that is a power of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, ...). In general, the higher the batch size, the faster the training will run with diminishing returns while also increasing the amount of memory allocated by the GPUs. If you run into memory issues, whether CPU or GPU memory, try dropping the batch size in half and re-running.
  • --dataset-multiplier N: TorchSR takes a single random 96x96 cropping of each image in the training dataset in every epoch and downscales the cropping to create a low and high resolution source. This process wastes over 99% of the image in the dataset as everything outside of the 96x96 cropping is thrown out for each epoch. Using the --dataset-multiplier flag increases the number of random samples from each image, growing the total dataset size without increasing on-disk requirements. The number for the multiplier is the number of random samples to take from every image.
  • --train-dir <directory>: If the dataset is saved in a directory other than dataset/, specify the location by passing it to --train-dir.

Weights and Biases

Support for Weights and Biases (WandB) has been included with the repository to make it easier to view training progress and share results. To get started, signup for a free account on WandB's website and copy your API key from your dashboard. To have WandB push your results to its web service automatically, simply install the wandb Python package and login to WandB from the CLI:

$ pip3 install wandb
$ wandb login
wandb: You can find your API key in your browser here:
wandb: Paste an API key from your profile and hit enter, or press ctrl+c to quit: <Enter API Key Here>

Once logged in, run TorchSR following any of the listed commands on this page. Training logs can be viewed at

Distributed Training

TorchSR can be run on multiple GPUs to greatly accelerate training by using the torchrun binary included with modern versions of PyTorch. To launch a multi-GPU training pass, modify how the application is called by adding torchrun --nproc_per_node=X before your command. For example:

# Original 1-GPU command:
torchsr train --dataset-multiplier 10

# Equivalent command running on 8 GPUs on a single node:
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 -m torchsr.torchsr train --dataset-multiplier 10

While running distributed training, the dataset will be divided between each GPU, reducing the overall time needed to complete a single epoch.

Slurm (GPU only)

TorchSR supports running on Slurm clusters using Pyxis and Enroot. To run on a Slurm cluster with Pyxis and Enroot, build the Docker image following the steps above and push the image to a container registry of your choice using docker push <image name:tag>. To launch a training job on Slurm, create an sbatch file named with the following contents:

#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8

srun \
    --gpus-per-node=8 \
    --container-image <image name:tag here> \
    --container-mounts=/path/to/dataset:/dataset \
    torchsr train \
        --train-dir /dataset \
        --dataset-multiplier 10

Modify the --ntasks-per-node=X and --gpus-per-node=X values to match the expected number of GPUs available per node. Replace <image name:tag here> with the name specified during the Docker image build above. Replace the /path/to/dataset with the location of your dataset.

To launch the Slurm job, run sbatch --nodes=X and specify the number of nodes to run on with the --nodes=X flag. This will create a file in the local directory named slurm-XXXX.out where XXXX is the job ID. This file contains information related to the training job.

If using WandB, prior to launching the job, specify your WandB API key with an environment variable:

export WANDB_API_KEY=<Enter your key here>

Next, modify the script to the following:

#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8

srun \
    --gpus-per-node=8 \
    --container-image <image name:tag here> \
    --container-mounts=/path/to/dataset:/dataset \
    bash -c 'wandb login && \
    torchsr train \
        --train-dir /dataset \
        --dataset-multiplier 10'

Once modified, the job can be launched as before using sbatch and WandB will be authenticated and updated automatically.


To help view progress while training, a validation image is generated based on the latest model weights after every epoch. The image is saved to the output directory with the epoch number included in every filename. The image is a royalty free image from Pixabay depicting a waterfall in nature. There are a lot of colors and details in this model which allow for a good way to showcase model accuracy. The images below are of the low resolution input on the left and the upscaled image that was generated on the right.

Low Resolution Super Resolution


This project is based on the research published in the following paper: Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network

    author = {Christian Ledig, Lucas Theis, Ferenc Huszar, Jose Caballero, Andrew Cunningham, Alejandro Acosta, Andrew Aitken, Alykhan Tejani, Johannes Totz, Zehan Wang, Wenzhe Shi},
    title = {Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network},
    booktitle = {arXiv},
    year = {2016}

Additionally, this project leverages resources from a few open-source repositories:


An easy-to-use SRGAN-based Super Resolution tool using PyTorch







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