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DeTour is a website where young travelers can compare tour offerings from the top companies offering group travel for 18-35 year olds. Users can view tours by country and see a side-by-side of key information like which countries are visited and starting costs. Users can choose to create an account to leave reviews sharing their experiences from a particular tour and to save tours they're interested in to view later.

Technologies Used


  • JavaScript


  • MongoDb
  • Mongoose


  • Node.js
  • Express


  • bcrypt


  • body-parser
  • cors
  • jsonwebtoken
  • nodemon


Frontend repo can be found here.

Clone and install this backend and its dependencies before installing the frontend. npm install

Run mongod to open the connection with the database and nodemon server.js to begin the server connection on your localhost.

If you would like to use the countries and tours given, seed the database with the countries first. node seedCountry.js

Because the tours reference a primary_country_id, you will need to get your newly created countries' unique IDs from the database using a program like Postman. The route to get all countries has been set up in server.js > routes/country.js > controllers/countryController.js. Once you've gotten all countries results, replace the primary_country_ids in seedTours.js with these new IDs.

User Stories, Wireframes, and ERD

User stories, wireframes, and the ERD can be found at this project's Trello board.

Unsolved Problems and Future Features

  • Editing user information: The regex match conditions do not take effect upon editing a user.

  • Population of referenced models: Review what information is being used on the frontend to populate only certain fields of a model rather than the whole object.

  • Routes for all CRUD functionality: Write routes for all CRUD functionality for all models for full admin capability.

  • Route to summarize all available API endpoints

  • Data scraping: To ensure all data is up-to-date and to add countries and tours dynamically vs. manually.


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