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All-in-one tool for prerendering your Vite applications, no matter the UI library (so long as it has a render-to-string implementation).

This is largely an extracted implementation of @preact/preset-vite's prererender functionality (license), which in turn is a reimplementation of WMR's prerendering (license).

Getting Started

$ npm install vite-prerender-plugin
// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import { vitePrerenderPlugin } from 'vite-prerender-plugin';

export default defineConfig({
    plugins: [vitePrerenderPlugin()],


Option Type Default Description
renderTarget string "body" Query selector for where to insert prerender result in your HTML template
prerenderScript string undefined Absolute path to script containing exported prerender() function. If not provided, the plugin will try to find the prerender script in the scripts listed in your HTML entrypoint
additionalPrerenderRoutes string undefined While the prerendering process will automatically find new links in your app to prerender, sometimes you will have pages that are not linked to but you still want them prerendered (such as a /404 page). Use this option to add them to the prerender queue

To prerender your app, you'll need to do three things:

  1. Set your renderTarget. This should, in all likelihood, match the query selector for where you render your app client-side, i.e., render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app')) -> '#app'

  2. Specify your prerender script, which can be done by a) adding a prerender attribute to one of the scripts listed in your entry HTML (<script prerender src="./my-prerender-script.js">) or b) use the prerenderScript plugin option to specify the location of your script with an absolute path

  3. Export a function named prerender() from your prerender script (see below for an example)

The plugin simply calls the prerender function you provide so it's up to you to determine how your app should be prerendered, likely you'll want to use the render-to-string implementation of your framework. This prerender function can be sync or async, so feef free to initialize your app data with fetch() calls, read local data with fs.readFile(), etc. All that's required is that your return an object containing an html property which is the string of HTML you want injected into your HTML document.

With that, you're all ready to build!

For full examples, please see the examples directory, and if you don't see your framework listed, let me know! I can take a look to see at adding it.

Advanced Prerender Options

Additionally, your prerender() function can return more than just HTML -- it can return additional links to prerender as well as information that should be set in the <head> of the HTML document, such as title, language, or meta tags. For example:

export async function prerender(data) {
    const html = '<h1>hello world</h1>';

    return {

        // Optionally add additional links that should be
        // prerendered (if they haven't already been)
        links: new Set(['/foo', '/bar']),

        // Optionally configure and add elements to the `<head>` of
        // the prerendered HTML document
        head: {
            // Sets the "lang" attribute: `<html lang="en">`
            lang: 'en',

            // Sets the title for the current page: `<title>My cool page</title>`
            title: 'My cool page',

            // Sets any additional elements you want injected into the `<head>`:
            //   <link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css">
            //   <meta property="og:title" content="Social media title">
            elements: new Set([
                { type: 'link', props: { rel: 'stylesheet', href: 'foo.css' } },
                { type: 'meta', props: { property: 'og:title', content: 'Social media title' } },




Preact Vite Preset - MIT


Plugin for prerendering Vite applications in any framework




