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Various build fixes, including fixes to minimum version requirements #161

Various build fixes, including fixes to minimum version requirements

Various build fixes, including fixes to minimum version requirements #161

Workflow file for this run

name: CI
branches: [master]
name: CI
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
fail-fast: false
# MSRV and nightly
version: [1.60.0, nightly]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set toolchain
run: |
rustup set profile minimal
rustup override set ${{ matrix.version }}
- uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v2.0.0
- name: Rustfmt check
if: matrix.version == '1.60.0'
run: |
rustup component add rustfmt
cargo fmt --all -- --check
- name: Run `cargo test` on workspace
run: cargo test --workspace --exclude=phf_codegen_test
- name: phf_macros UI test
if: matrix.version == '1.60.0'
working-directory: phf_macros_tests
run: cargo test -- --ignored --test-threads=1
- name: phf_codegen test
run: cargo test -p phf_codegen_test
- name: no_std build check
working-directory: phf
run: cargo build --no-default-features
- name: unicase + macros features check
run: cargo check -p unicase-example
- name: check all features
run: cargo check --all-features
- name: check all targets
if: matrix.version == 'nightly'
run: cargo check --all-features --all-targets
- name: update to minimal versions
run: cargo +nightly update -Z minimal-versions
- name: check all features with minimal versions
run: cargo check --all-features
- name: check all targets with minimal versions
if: matrix.version == 'nightly'
run: cargo check --all-features --all-targets