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webStorage - a jQuery plugin

== Intro ==

This plugin provides a way to get at the two new webStorage objects while also implementing fallbacks for when they're missing.

== Usage ==

$.webStorage.session() - get the built-in sessionStorage object or fallback to cookies or something worse (more on that later).

$.webStorage.local() - get the built-in localStorage object or fallback to whatever's available. Currently, fallbacks for IE 6-7, Firefox 2 and anything with Gears (Chrome 2-3) are available.

The data returned by these two methods match the webStorage spec even when fallbacks are used. Data can be primative types or objects.

length - number of items in storage
key(index) - key at a given index (keys can move around during store operations)
getItem(key) - object stored with the given key
setItem(key, data) - store an object with the given key
removeItem(key) - get rid of a stored object
clear() - get rid of everything


jQuery plugin wrapping web storage and implementing fallbacks






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