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A compile time dependency injection framework based on `javax.inject`


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Compile time dependency injection processor for JDK 18.

Getting Started

Include the doctor-processor and doctor-core libraries in your build as well as any other plugins that you will use. Then create a main method that loads the doctor with the desired configuration.

public static void main(String[]args){

Core Functionality

Pseudo-support for jakarta.inject. During compile, @Scope annotations (and others) are analyzed, and the boilerplate code to generate instances for the types is written and wired into an infrastructure that relies on java.util.ServiceLoader to load/initialize the application.

To say it in another way, it analyzes the source code to generate implementations of Provider and the providers are wired together for dependency injection.

Defining providers

There are two ways to define providers: annotated classes, and factory methods.

Class level

Any scope annotation attached to a class declaration will tell the processor to create a provider for the class, e.g.:

@Singleton // <-- the provider scope
public class JdbcDao {
    // etc...

This factory method in this class does a similar thing (though having both in your project will cause a compilation error, so just pick one):

@Singleton // classes with factories must be marked with a scope since they themselves will be exposed via a Provider
public class ApplicationBeanFactories {
    public JdbcDao daoFactory() {
        return new JdbcDao();

As a result you can inject the JdbcDao:

public class BookDao {
    @Inject // inject here tells the processor which constructor to use for dependency injection
    public BookDao(JdbcDao dao) {
      // do book things
Notes on factory return types

Parameterized types are allowed as factory return types as long as the factory is qualified, e.g.:

@Named("stringThing") // <-- required or else it's a compilation error
public List<String> parameterizedFactory(){
  return List.of("a", "b", "c");

Multi-type type parameters are supported, e.g.:

public <T extends BookDao & PurchaseDao> T multiDaoFactory(){
  return ...

The resulting provider will satisfy both BookDao and PurchaseDao dependencies. The primary type for the resulting provider will be the first listed type (in this case BookDao), with any additional types (PurchaseDao) being treated as satisfied super types. This means for the purposes of verifying duplicate providers only the first bound will be considered.


These are the built-in scopes supported:

  • @Prototype: each call to Provider.get() creates a new instance
  • @Singleton: one and only one instance is created per jvm
  • @ThreadLocal: one instance is created per thread
  • @Cached: an instance is created and shared for a configurable length of time
  • @Reloadable: an instance is created and cached until a ReloadProviders event is published, at which point the cached instance will be cleared and a new instance will be created the next time an instance is requested (lazily)


All providers have a qualifier, even when one isn't defined it's considered the null qualifier and that provider is the default provider for the type. Qualifiers allow applications to differentiate between multiple variations of the same provided type. For example:

public class AppConfig {
  @Named("his") // <- this is the qualifier
  public CoffeeMaker his() {
    return new FrenchPress();

  public CoffeeMaker hers() {
    return new PourOver();

Here we've created two CoffeeMaker providers each with its own name. Attempting to do this without using qualifiers would cause a compilation error because type and qualifier define the uniqueness of providers.

Both of these coffee makers can be injected into a target using their qualifiers:

@Cached("1 day")
public class MorningRoutine {
  public void wakeup(@Named("his") CoffeeMaker his, @Named("hers") CoffeeMaker hers) {

Only one qualifier is allowed per provided type.

Doctor does not provide any built-in qualifiers beyond the @Named qualifier packaged in java.inject. To create qualifiers see example here: @Qualifier.

Providers can be conditionally activated based on predicates defined in an @Activation annotation attached to the provider source.

Example: First create an activation predicate:

public class IsActivationPropertyPresent implements BiPredicate<ProviderRegistry, DoctorProvider<?>> {
    // NOTE: activation predicates MUST have a public no-arg constructor
    public boolean test(ProviderRegistry providerRegistry, DoctorProvider<?> doctorProvider) {
        // will activate providers based on a property value
        return providerRegistry.configuration().get("activateOptionals", false, Boolean::parseBoolean);

Then use the @Activation annotation to attach the predicate to a provider:

public class OptionalThing {
  // OptionalThing provider will only be registered when activateOptionals=true

@Activation can be used on an annotation type to bundle multiple predicates under a single named annotation:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
@Activation({DevStackPredicate.class, OnlyOnLinuxPredicate.class, OnlyWithTestDBPredicate.class})
public @interface TestStackOnly {
public class OptionalThing {
  // only available if all three predicates on TestStackOnly activation annotation evaluate true

A note on factory providers: Activation predicates marked at the class level are inherited by factory providers. So in this example:

public class AppConfig {
    public CoffeeMaker coffeeMakerFactory(){
        return ...

The provider generated from coffeeMakerFactory will be subject to both SomePredicate and AnotherPredicate.

@Modules is a built-in @Activation that enables providers based on ProviderRegistry.getActiveModules().

@Modules({"dev", "test"}) // this class will only be available when either the "dev" or "test" module is active.
public class MockDao implements Dao {

To start the app with this provider enabled:

public class App {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // or
        // Doctor.load("test");
        // or
        // Doctor.load("dev", "test");

Any provider that has modules will only be active if the app is started with one of the modules listed in the activation list. Providers without modules (or any other @Activation requirements) will always be active.

By default, providers will not instantiate an instance when they are initialized; they're lazy. If you want an instance automatically created on startup, you can mark the class or factory method with @Eager.

public class Heater {
    // ...

On startup, one instance of Heater will be created automatically.

While @Eager can be used on any scope, it makes the most sense for singletons.

A qualified provider definition can be marked with @Primary to register the provider with both it's marked qualifier and the null qualifier; making the provider available with and without its qualifier.

public class AppConfig {
    public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
        return ...

This will make the datasource retrievable with the qualifier or without:

doctor.getInstance(DataSource.class) == doctor.getInstance(DataSource.class, "primary")

Methods in provided objects can be scheduled for periodic execution using the @Scheduled annotation.

public class SomethingPeriodic {
    @Scheduled(interval = "10ms")
    public void every10Milliseconds() {
        // do something every 10 milliseconds

    @Scheduled(cron = "0 0 * * * *")
    public void everyHourOnTheHour() {
        // do something every hour

A ScheduledExecutorService must be available to execute the tasks, by default it uses the name "scheduled".

public ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService() {
    return ExecutorBuilder.start()

Internally, the object instances for scheduled methods are tracked using weak references so scheduling method execution will not prevent the provided object from being garbage collected.

Aspect interactions: Due to the initialization order for providers, scheduled methods will use the non-aspected instance of provided objects. In effect, if a method is marked with @Scheduled and an aspect, the aspect will be ignored during execution of the resulting scheduled task; however, any place where the class is injected, calling the scheduled method explicitly will go through the aspect(s).

Event Bus

Messages can be published and consumed via the EventBus.

Basics of event publish and consume:

// This class implements EventConsumer and will receive String events.
public class EventExample implements EventConsumer<String> {

  private final EventBus bus;

  public EventExample(EventBus bus) {
    this.bus = bus;
  public void message(@Named("background") ExecutorService exec) {
    // publish a string event when this class is instantiated 
    exec.submit(() -> bus.publish("test"));

  public void receive(String message) {
    System.out.println("message received: " + message);

If you use library dependencies that use jakarta.inject-api annotations (or doctor-core annotations) on their classes and want to include those classes in the processing of providers, you can use the @Import annotation to make the external packages known to the compilation environment.

Typical usage is to add the @Import to a provider factory class:

@Import({"", ""})
public class AppConfig {
  public Thing myThing(){
        return new Thing();

This will cause all top level (note: non-recursive) classes and interfaces from the packages and to be processed for relevant annotations by the doctor-processor, making available any providers that it finds.

Properties and Configuration

Configuration properties are retrieved via the ConfigurationFacade.

Properties from the ConfigurationFacade can be automatically injected into provided types using the @Property annotation.

public class PropertiesDemo {

    public PropertiesDemo(@Property("string") String stringProp,
                          @Property("string") char c,
                          @Property("boolean") Boolean bool,
                          @Property("boolean") boolean primBool,
                          @Property("string") Optional<String> optionalString) {

    public void injectProperties(@Property("list") List<String> stringList,
                                 @Property("list") Collection<Integer> numberList,
                                 @Property("set") Set<String> set) {

Additionally, using @Properties, a properties interface can be defined and then auto generated at compile time to provide a concrete class encapsulating the properties for an application.

@Properties("db.") // all property names marked on methods will be prefixed with `db.`
public interface DBProps { // must be an interface
  @Property("url") // this will use the property named `db.url`
  String url();

  String username();

  String password();
  int acquireTimeout();

Injectable property types

Properties are defined as strings and require conversion to specific types when injected. Out of the box, these conversions are supported:

  • primitives and their associated java.lang wrappers
  • any type that has a public constructor with a single string argument and does not throw an exception (e.g. new BigInteger("num"))
  • any type that has a public static method that takes a single string argument and does not throw an exception (like URI::create)

If these built in conversions do not satisfy your requirements, the string conversion system can be extended by creating implementations of StringConversionGenerator and wiring them in via ProcessorConfiguration.

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)

AOP is supported for any provided type that is an interface or a public, non-final class with a zero-arg constructor.


First, create an aspect class:

@Prototype // aspects must have a scope to be eligible for use
public class TimingAspect implements Aspect {
    public Object execute(MethodInvocation methodInvocation) {
        return timeAndObserve(methodInvocation::next);

Then, apply the aspect to a provided type:

// ^ aspects at the class level apply to all methods
// they can also be applied to individual methods 
public class Thing {
    public void doSomething() {

or if the type is provided via a factory method:

public class AppConfig {
  public Thing coffeeMakerAspect() {
    return ...create a thing...;

Now, when you get an instance of Thing, all method calls will use the TimingAspect:

Thing thing = doctor.getInstance(Thing.class);
thing.doSomething() // <- method will be both timed and observed

A note on Aspect scoping

In the previous example, the TimingAspect class is marked as @Prototype, but each instance of the aspect-ed class will call Provider.get() once. So for the lifetime of the aspect-ed Thing singleton, only one instance of the TimingAspect will be created and used.

Property injection with annotation values

All string values in supported annotations can be parameterized using the macro format ${}, e.g. @Scheduled(interval = "${configurableInterval}"). An unfortunate side effect of this configurability is that these strings can not be validated at compile time. In the previous example, if the realized value for the configurableInterval property was invalid, it would not be known at compile time, and only checked at runtime.


Field injection is not supported. It requires reflective access to fields and requires changing access levels at runtime. Neither of which is allowed for this project.