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Basic program of JAVA

  1. Distance Program

  2. Electric Bill Program

  3. Factorial Program

  4. Hash Program

  5. Java Source- Hello World, String, Char, Integer, Float, Boolean, Greater than, Less than, Switch Case, For Loop, While Loop, Do - While Loop, IF condition, If - else , Arrays, Round Function, Ceil Function, Floor Function, Maximum, Minimum, Raise To, Square root, StringBuffer, Abstraction Class & Method, Super Class, Sub Class, Exception Handling

  6. Length Program

  7. Menu

  8. Number Pattern

  9. Point Program

  10. Product Of Array

  11. Rectangle

  12. Reverse of number

  13. Sum of digit

  14. Switch Case

  15. Time

  16. Dollar

  17. Factorial

  18. Fibonacci

  19. Largest of 2

  20. Largest of 3

  21. Length