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vs code React Native Snippets

tutorial 1

tutorial 2

This extension can Javascript and ReactNative/Redux snippets in ES6, ES7 plugin features in vs code

How used

#Make a folder "reactnativeSnippetslk" in Everywhere On Your PC.

#Then after "vs-code-react-native-snippets-extension" inside folder and files Copy to "reactnativeSnippetslk" folder.

#Then Copy to


#Now Start Your Vs Code


You can Use for React and React Native Languages. easy Way to find a Snippets & quikly make Your repositories.

Supported Languages

- [x] JavaScript (.js)
- [x] JavaScript React (.jsx)
- [x] ReactJS (.js)
- [x] React Native (.js)
- [x] React Native StyleSheet (.js)

Basic Methods

| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| imc | import React, {Component} from 'react'; |
| im | import {  } from 'react-native'; |
| * | import * as React from 'react'; |
| imr | import React from 'react'; |
| consty | const styles = StyleSheet.create({", "    }); |
| vs | <View style={styles.main}>$1</View> |
| vt | <Text style={styles.title}>$1</Text> |
| vi | <TextInput", "style={styles.itemInput}", " placeholder=", "  /> |
| vh | <TouchableHighlight", "style={$1}", "   </TouchableHighlight> |
| sv | <SafeAreaView style={$1}>", "</SafeAreaView> |
| sc | <ScrollView style={styles.scrollView}>", "</ScrollView> |
| ai | <ActivityIndicator size= /> |
| dap | <DatePickerIOS date={this.state.chosenDate} onDateChange={this.setDate}/> |
| imgs | <Image style={styles.stretch} source={require('..')}/> |
| imb | <ImageBackground source={...} style={{width: '100%', height: '100%'}}></ImageBackground> |
| kav | <KeyboardAvoidingView style={styles.container}></KeyboardAvoidingView> |
| pba | <ProgressBarAndroid styleAttr=/> |
| clg | console.log(obj) |
| cw | console.warn |
| ren | render() { return( ) }; |
| set |  this.setState({ }) |
| jus | justifyContent: '', |
| alit | alignItems: '${1}', |
| asr | aspectRatio: '', |
|borw | borderWidth: , |
| flex |flexDirection: '', |
| h | height: , |
| w | width: , |
| l | left: '', |
| ri | right: , |
| mrh | marginHorizontal: '', |
| pah | paddingHorizontal: , |
| max | maxWidth: , |
| min | minWidth: , |
| op | opacity: , |
| bgc | backgroundColor: , |
| dir | direction: , |
| pos |  position: , |
| impa |  import React from 'react';
  import {  } from 'react-native';
  export default class AddItem extends Component {
       return (

  } |
  | prop | import React, { Component } from 'react';

  export default class create extends Component {
  constructor(props) {

  this.state = {
  render() {
  return (
  } |

Known Issues

Every space inside { }; and ( ) means that this is pushed into next line :) $ represent each step after tab.


Initial release of React Native SnappetsLK

For more information



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