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How to Use and Deploy the Network - Service - Client Application:

The Given Code Base Represents a RestFul Client-Server-Remote Server communication that is based in two modules:

ClientServer - clientserv RemoteServer - remoteserv

ClientServer Application takes 3 arguments REST call to exposed endpoint called calculate, running on port 8080

RemoteServer Application accepts 3 arguments REST call to exposed endpoint called doCalculate, running on port 8090, does computational work and returns it to the first server that responds to the first made REST call with result

  • The 3 arguments are as follow, a valid Double numInputOne, a valid Double numInputTwo and a valid String computType "multiply" (multiply is for now the only valid command that executes)

  • In case of remoteserv malfunction or not started at all a fallback mechanism using hystrix is used to deliver information back, however in a proper full blown network application it should reflect a list of other services to perform the request and tactics for handling the next steps


  1. Java 8
  2. Spring Framework | Spring Boot with following modules
  • spring-cloud-starter-hystrix
  • spring-boot-starter-web
  • spring-boot-starter-test
  1. Gradle

!NB! Follow the below given as step by step instructions in order to run the Application(s)

$ git clone $ cd spring-network-service-client

execute the gradlew shell command as is below, the script would run and execute, no need to have Gradle Installed

$ ./gradlew build (or for Windows gradlew build)

running the above first time, downloads the gradle 3.1.. then downloads project dependencies then it runs the gradle build task

run the bootRun task - it would deploy and start the client serv application on port 8080

$ ./gradlew bootRun (or for Windows gradlew bootRun)

open new shell terminal window within the spring-network-service-client path

$ cd remoteserv

run the bootRun task - it would deploy and start the remote serv application on port 8090

$ ./gradlew bootRun (or for Windows gradlew bootRun)

execute the following REST command call from within any web browser terminal client


execute the following curl command from within any shell terminal client

curl "localhost:8080/calculate?numInputOne=1.0&numInputTwo=2.0&computType=multiply"

how to stop the application(s)

go to any of the already open shell terminal client(s) and do the CTRL+C key combination


Both the clientserv and remoteserv application have their own gradlew shell scripts in case of anomaly or any of the above not working as described open a new terminal shell client and cd to the respective directory and execute either the ./gradlew bootRun (Unix | Linux OS) or gradlew bootRun (Windows OS). Command | task bootRun is a Gradle task that executes the Spring Boot within its embedded application container You can alternatively type in /.gradlew tasks (Unix | Linux OS) or gradlew tasks (Windows OS) to see a list of available Gradle tasks that can be run over the application(s)


Spring Framework RestFul Network - Service - Client








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