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@bloopoid bloopoid released this 29 Jul 15:05
· 1462 commits to main since this release

bloop v1.5.3

Bloop v1.5.3 is a bugfix release.

Installing Bloop

For more details about installing Bloop, please see
Bloop's Installation Guide)

Merged pull requests

Here's a list of pull requests that were merged:

  • Add sbt-vspp for publishing the BLOOP SBT plug-in in a Maven-consistent format
  • Fix: limit the amount of logs that launcher keeps in memory #1764
  • Stop shading stuff in sbt-bloop plugins #1754
  • Cache ScalaJS linkers for incremental linking #1761
  • Don't give a local compiler when disallowed #1762
  • Bump dependency submission #1760
  • Bump debug adapter library to 2.2.0 #1758
  • Correctly pick up test-jar dependency sources #1756
  • Sbt-bloop and buildpress don't depend on launcher #1751
  • Fix resolution of test-jar artifacts #1747


According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.5.2..v1.5.3, the following people
have contributed to this v1.5.3 release: Adrien Piquerez, Alexandre
Archambault, Anton Sviridov, Lorenzo Gabriele, Martin Duhem, ScalaWilliam,
Tomasz Godzik, Vadim Chelyshov.