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MSA - Web Check

GitHub CI Action

Web Check, monitor page metrics.

MSA consists out of the following tools:

Initializes the toolchain. msa-init is expected to be called once and checks for the availability of the required kafka and PostgreSQL database services, as well as creates the initial table layout in the database.
A tool to fetch request metrics from a web page. The collected information contains; The page URL, date, response time, status code and an optional information on the match result of a regexp applied to the request content. The data is stored as a message to the kafka service. msa-lookup is expected to be called often and for different locations.
A tool to read the messages from the kafka service. Only information which is valid against the MSA transport protocol will be taken into account. Valid information is stored in the PostgreSQL database. msa-store is expected to be called as a service through systemd but can also be used in single shot mode.


MSA is provided as packages from here:

Please choose the OS of your choice and install the package. For the SUSE OS and with Leap 15.2 this can be done as follows:

$ sudo zypper ar
$ sudo zypper in python3-msa

Setup Service Configurations

MSA utilizes kafka and PostgreSQL services. Therefore two config files including the access credentials to these services needs to be created as follows:

$ mkdir ~/.config/msa

For accessing the database create:

$ vi ~/.config/msa/db.yml
db_uri: "postgres://..."

For accessing the kafka service create:

$ vi ~/.config/msa/kafka.yml
host: server-name:port
topic: topic-name
ssl_cafile: ca.pem
ssl_certfile: service.cert
ssl_keyfile: service.key


Please checkout your service provider console to fetch the needed access credentials

Check and Initialize Services

For MSA to work correctly kafka and PostgreSQL services are required.

Before calling the msa-init setup, check on the following pre conditions:

  1. Start a kafka service
  2. Start a PostgreSQL service
  3. Make sure you have created the topic-name configured in ~/.config/msa/kafka.yml on the kafka admin console.

The MSA init process currently does not create the services and the kafka topic. Thus the above steps MUST be done manually.

For the database to work correctly an initial table layout is required. The MSA init process creates this table layout and also checks the connectivity to all services with the following call:

$ msa-init --init-db


Calling msa-init with --init-db creates a table named webcheck and will drop that table prior creating a new one !

Start Web Checker(s)

The most simple way to add web checkers is via the users crontab. This can be done as follows:

$ crontab -e

* * * * * msa-lookup --page

Will run a web check for Google every minute. Add more checkers as you see fit

Start Database Store

The collection of web checkers through msa-lookup causes the creation of a collection of messages in the kafka service. With the msa-store utility those messages can be stored in the PostgreSQL database. To start the service call

$ systemctl --user start msa-store

As messages are arriving in the database you can dump its contents with:

$ msa-store --dump-db

Run from Source

To prepare the system to run from a virtual python environment, follow these steps:

$ cd ~/
$ git clone
$ pip install tox
$ tox


Calling from Python Venv

Calling python code from within a virtual environment requires this environment to be active in the calling console session. For this purpose a simple helper programm named run exists. Thus if you plan to work from source, please always call the tools through the run helper like in the following example:

$HOME/msa/run msa-init