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Free Script-Fu Plugins and Themes Made For GIMP 3

These plugins are to help me make illustrations in GIMP, I hope they can help you make your own tools. The themes are to make the working environment look and feel just how I like it, maybe you'll like them too.

Some plugins will only work in the very latest source built version of GIMP. There have been many changes to the developement version recently. As this repo is my backup for scripts, some plug-ins change as GIMP changes, and will no longer function in earlier versions, even in the latest Flatpak versions.


If you feel like saying thank you

A Few Plug-ins to Try:

AlmostAutosave - Incrementally autosaves any open and changed files
Proxy - Saves layer groups to storage, adds a proxy, reduces file complexity, increases speed.
Isolate Selected Layers - Isolates layer stack selections for better visibility
Adjustment Layers - Apply a repeatable set of tweaks to an image
Ghost Layer - A little time-saver to set up a pencil layer for inking
Group Selected Layers - Puts any selected layers in one group
Crop Layer to Mask - same as Content Crop, uses the layer mask as content
New Layer from Selection - Creates a new layer, from the selected area