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Interactions for Google's web-based OAuth flow.


const html = require('bel')
const GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = 'your client id!'
const google = require('@scriptollc/google-platform')(GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID)

function main (state, emit) {
  return html`<div>
    <p><button onclick=${logout}>log out</button></p>
      <b>User logged in?</b><br>
      <pre><code>${JSON.stringify(state.user, null, 2)}</pre></code>

  function onLogin (err, user) {
    if (err) return console.log(err)
    state.user = user

  function logout (evt) {
    google.renderLogout((err) => {
      if (err) return console.log(err)
      state.user = {}


var google = GooglePlatform(clientID:string):GooglePlatform

Create a new instance of the Google web platform component. Will attach the correct <meta> tag to the <head> of the page when invoked. You must provide a valid Google client ID.


Render the placeholder <div> element for Google to render into. When the div has been rendered, it will request the platform script to be loaded into the page and then call the provided postLoad function.


Load the Google platform script in the page unless it's been loaded already. Mostly useless by itself. This is called automatically by #render

#renderLogin(cb:function(err:Error, user:GoogleUser):undefined

Make the <div> returned by #div() into a Google login button. The callback will be invoked when the user has either rejected or accepted the OAuth request from Google.


Attempt to log the user out of their local account. This actually requires rendering the <div> into the page. This will not revoke the permissions scope they provided, but just allow the user to not be logged in Google.


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