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DISCONTINUED: A plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase


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The development of this library has been discontinued.

The liquibase-sbt-plugin is a plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase commands.

This version only supports SBT 0.7.x.

Liquibase is a database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database changes.


  1. Define a dependency on the liquibase-sbt-plugin in your plugin definition file, project/plugins/Plugins.scala

     import sbt._
     class Plugins(info: ProjectInfo) extends PluginDefinition(info) {
       val liquibaseSbtSnapshots = "Liquibase SBT Snapshots Repository" at ""
       val liquibase = "com.github.sdb" % "liquibase-sbt-plugin" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  2. Mixin the LiquibasePlugin trait in your project file, e.g. project/build/TestProject.scala

     import sbt._
     import com.github.sdb.sbt.liquibase.LiquibasePlugin
     class TestProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
       with LiquibasePlugin {
  3. Configure

     class TestProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info)
       with LiquibasePlugin {
       // declare the required database driver as a runtime dependency
       val h2 = "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.2.143" % "runtime"
       // provide the parameters for running liquibase commands
       lazy val liquibaseChangeLogFile = "config" / "db-changelog.xml"
       lazy val liquibaseDriver = "org.h2.Driver"
       lazy val liquibaseUrl = "jdbc:h2:mem:"
       // provide username and password for database access
       override lazy val liquibaseUsername = "sa"
       override lazy val liquibasePassword = ""

Note that this a very basic way to configure the plugin. Take a look at this gist for a more realistic example.


The following actions are available:

  • liquibase-update

    Applies un-run changes to the database.

  • liquibase-update-count COUNT

    Applies the next number of change sets.

  • liquibase-drop [SCHEMA]...

    Drops database objects owned by the current user.

  • liquibase-tag TAG

    Tags the current database state for future rollback.

  • liquibase-rollback TAG

    Rolls back the database to the state it was in when the tag was applied.

  • liquibase-rollback-count COUNT

    Rolls back the last number of change sets.

  • liquibase-rollback-date DATE

    Rolls back the database to the state it was in at the given date/time. The format of the date must match that of 'liquibaseDateFormat'.

  • liquibase-validate

    Checks the changelog for errors.

  • liquibase-clear-checksums

    Removes current checksums from database.


DISCONTINUED: A plugin for the Simple Build Tool (SBT) for running LiquiBase







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