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Ansible Tower / AWX API V2

This is based on the Digital Ocean API V2


I am adding things as I need them for my project so not all API features are implemented. It should be relatively easy to look through the code and add anything that is not there based on your needs. If you do that, please submit pull requests so that others can benefit. I don't intent to make this a feature complete library on my own. For what I am doing, I plan to do almost all writes, updates, additions, deletions etc. from the AWX GUI. I will be using the API mostly for displaying lists and configurations and triggering jobs.



If installing on Laravel use the install instructions at

This library depends on oauth2-awx for obtaining tokens. That package is based on a separate project and uses it's own guzzlehttp object independent of what this package does for the http client.

Perhaps I will eventually decide to combine the two packages if it makes more sense. For now, I don't see any reason why they cannot remain separate packages. That will also make it easier to pull in updates from the respective upstream projects.

You can install the bindings via Composer. If installing standalone to some generic php framework add the following to your composer.json

"require": {
    "sdwru/awx-v2": "dev-master",
    "sdwru/oauth2-awx": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
    { "type": "git", "url": "" },
    { "type": "git", "url": "" }

And run composer update from cli.

To use the bindings, use Composer's autoload:


This package should install guzzle automatically but if not install as follows:

$ php composer.phar require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^6.3
$ php composer.phar require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^7

And then add the following:

    "require": {
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.3"


This library relies on the AWX oauth2 client for obtaining tokens. This library assumes a high level of trust between your PHP application and AWX and therefore uses password grant type for creating the initial bearer token and refresh token. Although this is not ideal, it is the only appropriate type for full time backend api integration currently provided by Ansible Tower / AWX. If the developers of Ansible Tower / AWX server decide to add client credentials that would then be more suitable. The AWX oauth2 client already includes support for client-credentials.

Using password grant requires that AWX be configured with an AWX user consisting of a username and password. Once the API user is created in the AWX GUI logged in as admistrator, go to Applications and create a new application with password grant type. When that is created it will provide a client ID and client secret. Save a record of client secret as it is only shown once and cannot be retrieved ever again.

Add the above 4 pieces of information somewhere in your PHP application that is not tracked by your version control system. In Laravel that file is typically .env. Once you have added the information you can create a bearer token and refresh token using the following example code.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$awxVars = array (
    'clientId' => 'AWX_CLIENT_ID', // The client ID assigned by AWX when you created the application
    'clientSecret' => 'AWX_CLIENT_SECRET',
    'username' => 'AWX_USERNAME', // The AWX username associated with the application
    'password' => 'AWX_PASSWORD',
    'apiUrl' => 'AWX_API_URL', // Ie. https://x.x.x.x/api
    'sslVerify' => false, //SSL verify can be false during development and true after public SSL certificates are obtained

// Create oauth2 object
$oauth2 = new \AwxV2\Oauth\Oauth2($awxVars);

// Get access and refresh tokens and expire time
$tokens = $oauth2->passCredGrant();

// Get access token
$accessToken = $tokens->getToken();

// create an adapter and add access token
$adapter = new \AwxV2\Adapter\GuzzleHttpAdapter($accessToken, $awxVars['sslVerify']);

// create an Awx object with the previous adapter
$awx = new \AwxV2\AwxV2($adapter, $awxVars['apiUrl']);

// ...


// ...
// return the the account api
$me = $awx->me();

// Get the info for the account
$userInformation = $me->getAll();

Job Template

// ..
// return the job template api
$jobTemplate  = $awx->jobTemplate();

// return a collection of job template entity
$actions = $jobTemplate->getAll();

// return the Job Template entity 123
$JobTemplate123 = $jobTemplate->getById(123);


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Please see CHANGELOG for details.



Please open an issue in github

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Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by opening an issue or contacting one or more of the project maintainers.

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.0.0, available at


AwxV2 is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.


PHP library sdk for Ansible Tower / AWX API. Based on







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