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Releases: seagle0128/doom-modeline

Support nerd fonts

16 Aug 06:32
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  1. [Feature] Use nerd-icons instead of all-the-icons.
  2. [Feature] Support mu4e-modeline-mode.
  3. Compatible with flychecker-color-mode-line.
  4. feat: support treesit (xx-ts-mode).
  5. feat: backport align-right feature from 30.
  6. [Feature] Add eldoc segment.
  7. feat: align right hand side of active mode line with variable-pitch font .
  8. Bug fixes and improvements.

New options

16 Aug 06:28
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  1. [Feature] New option: doom-modeline-battery.
  2. [Feature] New option: doom-modeline-highlight-modified-buffer-name.
  3. [Feature] Different color indicators for various modal modes.
  4. [Feature] Status indicator for active compilation buffer.
  5. [Feature] Define calculator mode-line.
  6. [Feature] New option: doom-modeline-modal.
  7. [Feature] Support helm-ag.
  8. [Feature] Add option to make segments visible in inactive windows.
  9. Bug fixes and improvements.

Enhance compatibilities

11 Nov 08:36
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  1. Compatible with the latest eglot.
  2. Adapt bar height on Windows.
  3. `buffer-local-value' is an obsolete generalized variable since 29.
  4. [Feature] New option doom-modeline-display-misc-in-all-mode-lines.
  5. [Feature] New option doom-modeline-time to make the time segment optional.
  6. [Feature] Make calendar icon optional.
  7. [Enhancement] Change meow--indicator face in inactive window.
  8. Fix #547: Remove doom-modeline-misc-info-face.
  9. Change the default value of doom-modeline-window-width-limit.

Support 29

24 Jun 11:31
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  1. [Compatibility] Address cut-off faces issue of visual bell in 29.
  2. Remove obsolete function `doom-modeline-init'.
  3. Adjust mode-line height.
  4. [Compatibility] Support flycheck-color-mode-line and solaire-mode faces.
  5. Fix mouse clicks on mu4e new mail widget.
  6. Update docs.

all-the-icons is optional

16 Jun 07:17
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  1. [Feature] Add an option to show and hide the buffer names.
  2. [Enhancement] Option doom-modeline-window-width-limit supports float number.
  3. [Refactor] Use doom-modeline faces instead.
  4. [Feature] Make all-the-icons optional.
  5. [Feature] Support imenu and font-lock.
  6. Better behaviors of doom-modeline-height and doom-modeline-width.
  7. [Feature] Add Compatibility Library `compat'.
  8. Optimize performance.
  9. Misc bug fixing.


25 Mar 05:59
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  1. Add modeline segment for follow-mode
  2. Respect minions lighter.
  3. Replaced iex with elixir, where iex doesn't quit gracefully leading to multiple stale beam processes.
  4. Bug fixes.

Bug fix

24 Mar 14:24
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Bug fixes and improvements.

Hud bar and mlscroll indicator

10 Jun 16:02
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  1. [Feature] Add a "hud" segment inspired by powerline.
  2. [Feature] Support mlscroll in buffer-position indicator.
  3. (De)Activate modeline for all existing buffers.
  4. Refactor and bug fixing.


19 Apr 10:33
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  1. [Enhancement] support all flycehck error levels.
  2. New faces: doom-modeline-input-method and doom-modeline-input-method-alt.
  3. [Feature] Add mouse actions to mu4e alert segment.
  4. [Feature] Support two-column buffers.
  5. [Enhancement] Simplify image creation: use PBM instead of XPM.
  6. [Feature] Add Meow indicator.
  7. [Feature] Add repl segment for CIDER.
  8. Add face for notifications.
  9. Be compatible with mini-frame.
  10. Misc improvements.

A bunch of new features

12 Apr 05:25
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  1. [Enhancement] Support different fonts in mode-line.
  2. [Feature] Highlight the mode-line while debugging.
  3. [Enhancement] Support buffer names from org-protocol.
  4. [Feature] Add org-src mode-line.
  5. [Feature] Support tab-bar-mode in workspace-name segment.
  6. [Feature] Integrate phi-search.
  7. [Feature] Support rime input method.
  8. [Enhancement] Add minor-modes and input-method to project mode-line.
  9. [Optimize] Check if the buffer is modified timely.
  10. [Optimize] Update dap-debug state.
  11. [Optimize] Update dap-debug state
  12. Bug fixes.