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Print Service is designed to be run on-premise and provides a bridge for web connected applcations to print to physical printers.


./gradlew build


For general development you are best to start the server via gradle


The build will also produce both a WAR and standalone executable JAR file.

The WAR can be deployed to an application server such as TomCat, the JAR file can be started with the following command.

java -DQUICK_PRINT_API_KEY=123 -DROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=123  -jar build/libs/quickprint-{version}.jar

Running (Docker)

Firstly build the docker image

./gradlew buildImage

This should output an image id which you can than use to run the docker image

 docker run -eAPI_KEY=123 -p8080:8080 -v/absolute/path/to/pdf/on/host:/root/PDF {imageId}

Enabling SSL

You can use the following instructions to create a self-signed certificate and instruct the server to use it.

  • Create the certificate
 keytool -genkey -alias tomcat \
 -storetype PKCS12 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 \
 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650
  • The following environment variables will also need to be configured
KEY_STORE_PASSWORD = "password as configured in the previous step" = "ssl"

If you have issued pem (may have .crt extension) files and private key you can create a Keystore using the following method.

  • First combine the pem files together
cat *.crt > combined.pem
  • Create the keystore using these combined public keys with your private key
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey [private.key] -in combined.pem -name tomcat -out keystore.p12


Deployment is handled via gradle and travis if you follow the correct git conventions.

If you are creating a new minor or major release then you would do the following.

  • Create a new release branch, based upon the major and min
git checkout -b release/0.1
  • Update the changelog with the correct version number (in this case 0.1.0)
git commit -m "Release 0.1.0"
git tag 0.1.0
git push origin master --tags

A point release would simply be a tag on this branch and you would follow the previous procedure.

Run on Windows

You can register this project as a service on Windows using the following command by using WinSW. You will need a XML file that contains the configuration for the service, an example can be found on the below link.

quickprint.exe install

Then you can run the service using the following command.

quickprint.exe start

For more information on WinSW please see the following link.

Project Builds and Structure

  • Gradle is the build tool of choice and all things related are contained within the project.

Some example build tasks include

./gradlew build
./gradlew test
./gradlew versionInfo
  • Project is maven compatible however we only publish to Bintray so you will need to manually configure the repository, full instructions can be found at the following site
  • TravisCI is used to test / build and publish new versions.
  • JUnit is used for integration and unit level testing.


Web service designed to be run on-premise and provides a bridge for web connected applcations to print to physical printers.



