I'm Chris Watts, Founder & CEO of CoFounder AI and Founder & CTO of Shuffl
- 📦 Ex-Amazon building drones 🤖
✈️ - 🤖 Ex-Madrona Venture Labs - Technical Advisor
- 🧑💻 Here are some of my ideas
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects related to startups and AI
- 💬 Ask me about Sailing or Treasure Hunting
- 😄 Pronouns: He / Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: My dog's name is Bisou 🇫🇷
A list of tech that I enjoy working with.
- Lambda - Node.js Typescript (Serverless Event processing / GraphQL resolvers)
- RDS (PostgreSQL)
- DynamoDB (Data storage)
- AppSync (GraphQL API)
- IoT Core / Greengrass
- S3 (Storage)
- ECS (Container Orchestration)
- AWS CDK (Cloudformation)
- AWS CodePipeline (CI/CD)
- AWS Step Functions - Workflow management
- Supabase - PostgreSQL Database
- Code
- Typescript
- TypeDI - Typescript Dependency Injection
- vitest
- Generative AI
- OpenAI
- Anthropic
- BoundaryML
- Docker
- Analytics
- Posthog
- Sentry.js
- Authentication
- Clerk
- Next.js
- React / React Native - Typescript
- Vercel (Website hosting)
- GraphQL (API)
- Apollo Client
- GraphQL Subscriptions
- Tailwind CSS
- Shadcn
- Testing
- Storybook (UI Design Testing)
- Playwright (Integration Testing)
- vitest (Unit Testing)
- Analytics
- Posthog
- Sentry.js
- Authentication
- Clerk