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Integration of SENG's app-grained firewall policies into Netfilter and iptables


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SENG Netfilter Extension


This project is a proof of concept to integrate the per-application policy enforcement of SENG directly into Netfilter/Xtables and iptables. The integration allows to define a single Enclave subnetwork (rather than app-specific ones) and directly define per-application policies using a set of new SENG iptables rule specifiers. In contrast to vanilla SENG, the extension is specifically tailored for Netfilter/iptables and therefore not compatible with other firewalls.

The repository is structured in the following way:

  • demo-app/ -- contains a demo application for communication with the SENG Netfilter module
  • include/ -- shared header files including the user-space API header (seng_netfilter_api.h)
  • iptables-extension -- the SENG iptables extension library for adding SENG rule specifiers
  • seng-module -- the SENG Netfilter/Xtables (Linux) kernel module
  • user-library -- the user-space library for communcation with the netfilter module (used by the SENG Server)


The documentation consists of three parts: this README file, the Doxygen API documentation and the SENG research paper. The Doxygen documentation requires the doxygen packet to be installed (sudo apt install doxygen) and can be accessed in the following way:

mkdir docs
cd docs
cmake ..
make seng_docs

# open html/index.html

Research Project and USENIX Paper

This repository belongs to the SENG research project by Fabian Schwarz and Christian Rossow from the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. The corresponding research paper "SENG, the SGX-Enforcing Network Gateway: Authorizing Communication from Shielded Clients" will be published as part of the 29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20). If you use SENG or the SENG Netfilter Extension in a project, please cite the paper using one of the formats provided by the export function of the publication database or use the following bibtex entry:

    author = {Fabian Schwarz and Christian Rossow},
    title = {{SENG, the SGX-Enforcing Network Gateway: Authorizing Communication from Shielded Clients}},
    booktitle = {29th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 20)},
    year = {2020},
    isbn = {978-1-939133-17-5},
    pages = {753--770},
    publisher = {{USENIX} Association},
    month = aug,
    url = {}

We thank our student assistant Leon Trampert for his support on the prototype implementation of the SENG Netfilter Extension.

How it works

The extension consists of three main components: (i) an iptables extension library (, (ii) a SENG netfilter module (seng.ko), and (iii) a user-space library for communication with the netfilter module ( The iptables extension library (i) registers against iptables to provide new SENG rule specifiers for per-application policies. The SENG netfilter module (ii) registers against the Netfilter subsystem and is responsible for handling the matching of network traffic against the new SENG rule specifiers. The SENG Server uses the user-space library (iii) to inform the SENG module about newly registered or unregistered Enclave IPs and their associated metadata (incl. measurement, host IP and app category). The SENG module stores the information in an internal hash table and uses it to resolve source/destination Enclave IPs to the respective metadata for performing the application-specific rule matching. The communication between the user-space SENG-netfilter library and the SENG module is realised via a generic netlink channel. The SENG-netfilter library deletes all conntrack entries associated with connections from/to an unregistered Enclave IP to prevent exploitation of stale entries on IP re-assignments.

Building the SENG Netfilter Extension


  • SENG iptables Extension:
    sudo apt install libxtables-dev
  • SENG Netfilter module and user-space library:
    sudo apt install libnl-genl-3-dev
    Note: dependencies for building a Linux kernel module (e.g., kernel header files) are also required.


  1. SENG iptables Extension:

    cd iptables-extension
  2. SENG Netfilter/Xtables Module:

    cd seng-module


    • tested under Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04 LTS and Debian 10
    • tested with Linux kernel 4.15 / 4.19 / 5.0 / 5.4
  3. There are 2 options to build the SENG-Netfilter user-space Library: separately or as part of the SENG Server build process.

    • Separate Build:
      cd user-library
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
    • Combined Build: The compilation and integration of the SENG-Netfilter library is now part of the SENG Server build process.
  4. Demo Application:

    cd demo-app
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..



  1. Insert the SENG Netfilter module:
    cd seng-module
    sudo insmod seng.ko
  2. Symlink the iptables extension to the xtables folder, s.t. iptables can find it:
    # on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
    sudo ln -s $(pwd)/iptables-extension/ /lib/xtables/
    # on Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04 LTS and Debian 10
    sudo ln -s $(pwd)/iptables-extension/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xtables/

How to use

Use sudo iptables -m seng --help to see the SENG rule specifiers for creating per-application policies based on the source/destination application, the resp. source/destination app category and/or the resp. untrusted host IP(s). See the SENG Server README for instructions on how to run the SENG Server. You have to run the server with the -n and -d <database> options to enable communication with the SENG Netfilter module.

Note: the SENG Go-Server is not yet compatible with the SENG Netfilter Extension.

Sample iptables Rules

# Allow all demo Enclaves with given Measurement (mrenclave) to send to tcp/8391
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i tunFA --source -p tcp --destination-port 8391 -m seng --src-app d9237809ab399aa541e42ad54146a2a1bde310dd7dc9fccc1e964dacf4c5c3b0 -j ACCEPT

# Block Enclave traffic from external hosts (traffic not from internal subnet)
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i tunFA --source -m seng ! --src-host -j DROP

# Allow trusted Browser enclaves to communicate to port 443
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i tunFA --source -p tcp --destination-port 443 -m seng --src-cat Browser -j ACCEPT

# Allow communication from the Gateway to NGINX Enclaves
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o tunFA --destination -p tcp --destination-port 4711 -m seng --dst-app d5876e37d31ad62d4eafd36997820b18fdea7b104a0e2d3f81873230be2af792 -j ACCEPT


  1. remove all SENG iptables rules via the respective sudo iptables -D [...] commands
  2. flush the module database via ./seng_app -f, or if used with the SENG Server, shut down the Server to cause a flush_module() call
  3. remove module: sudo rmmod seng

Component Details

SENG iptables Extension Library

The SENG extension library registers against iptables and provides new rule specifiers via the seng module (-m seng). All functionality is documented in libxt_seng.c.

Use sudo iptables -m seng --help for usage infos.

SENG Netfilter/Xtables Module

The module consists of 3 parts to handle different things.


The matching functionality happens in seng_mt() in xt_seng.c. The function receives a packet to be matched and a rule. Then the enclave metadata behind the source and destination IP addresses of the packet are looked up in the hash table. The metadata (e.g., app measurement) is then matched against the rule specification.


The database functionality is mainly hidden and documented in xt_seng_metadb.h. These functions are used to add or delete items in the internal module database.

Netlink Channel

The netlink channel is used to receive enclave IP-to-metadata mappings from the user-space. See the following section for details on the netlink communcation channel.

SENG Netfilter user-space Library

The SENG Netfilter library provides a communication channel to the SENG module via a generic netlink channel. The communcation channel allows to inform the SENG module about changes in the set of active Enclave IPs (register/unregister) and their associated metadata (e.g., app measurement, host IP). In addition, a message type for flushing all entries in the SENG module database is provided. The SENG Server uses the library to inform the SENG module whenever a new Enclave IP has been assigned or an existing Enclave has been shut down. The SENG Server sends the Enclave IP together with the Enclave metadata (from the SENG Database) to the SENG module for the rule enforcement, including information about the shielded application (mrenclave), the app category, and the untrusted host IP on which the Enclave is running.

The user API of the library is documented in seng_netfilter_api.h. The specific usage of the generic netlink socket is documented in xt_seng_genl.h. See seng_nl_recv_msg() in xt_seng_genl.c for further details on the kernel-side of the commmunication channel.

Demo Application

A demo app is provided (app/) which serves as a small working example of using the SENG-Netfilter API. Use ./seng_app -h for usage infos.