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Embed Fixer

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As we know, social media embeds on Discord are bad:

  • Pixiv embeds don't show the full artwork
  • Twitter sometimes doesn't even embed
  • Instagram doesn't show the videdo
  • Reddit doesn't show the full thread
  • Tiktok doesn't play the video.

Worry no more, this Discord bot fixes all of those issues.


Embed Fixing

Fixings are currently available for:

If your message contains link(s) that are of any of the social medias above, it gets deleted and resent using a webhook with your name and avatar containing the fix. There is also a "Delete" button that only you and/or users with "Manage Messages" permission can click on to delete the message.



If the link is sent in a non-NSFW channel AND is from Pixiv AND the artwork contains the "#R-18" tag, the Embed Fixer will NOT fix the embed as this will show the NSFW image.

Webhook Replying

When you reply to a webhook, it replies to the webhook, not the original author. The bot fixes this by tagging the original author with the same name of the webhook.

Media Extracting

This feature currently only supports Twitter, X, and Pixiv. When you send a pixiv artwork link into channel(s) with this feature on, the bot resend all of the images/videos in the link in a nice gallery-like layout.



If the link is sent in a NSFW channel then the extracted media will be spoilered automatically.

Very Customizable

All settings are unique to the server

Below are settings you can change with the /settings command:

  • Disable embed fixes: Disable specific embed fixes
  • Language: Change language of the bot
  • Media extraction channels: Channels to enable the media extraction feature mentioned above
  • Disable embed fix channels: Channels to disable embed fixing
  • Toggle webhook reply: Toggle the webhook reply feature mentioned above


To Contribute

For questions or issues with this bot, DM me on Discord or open an issue on GitHub.
To contribute (such as translations), DM me or open a PR on GitHub.