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A CLI tool to ease the generation Sphinx documents by allowing for multiple builders and multiple languages to be built using a single command.

There are 2 ways of using the tool. As a REPL or as individual commands.

sphinxcli repl
sphinxcli build
sphinxcli build html
sphinxcli build html:latex
sphinxcli build html en
sphinxcli build html en:fr


If you don't use a command i.e. you just call sphinxcli you'll be put into a REPL where the commands below can be used one after another

$ sphinxcli

sphinxcli> settings
SphinxCLI Settings
  source       = src/docs
  target       = docs
  builders     = ['html']
  languages    = ['en']
  config       = src/docs
  doctree      = artifact/doctree
  target_order = builder

sphinxcli> set languages en:fr

sphinxcli> set target build/docs

sphinxcli> build
Build Settings
  config  = /sphinxcli/src/docs
  source  = /sphinxcli/src/docs
  doctree = /sphinxcli/artifact/doctree

Building html
  language  = en
  directory = /sphinxcli/docs/html/en

Building html
  language  = fr
  directory = /sphinxcli/docs/html/fr

sphinxcli> clean
Cleaning all generated files
  Removed documents in docs...
  Removed doctrees in artifact/doctree...

sphinxcli> quit


help or ?

Using help or ? displays a list of the available commands

Available commands:
  ?        - Display this list of commands
  build    - Build Sphinx the documents
  clean    - Clean any generated files
  exit     - Exit the REPL
  get      - Get a configuration setting
  help     - Display this list of commands
  quit     - Quit the REPL
  set      - Set a configuration setting's value
  settings - Display the current values of all settings
  version  - Display the version number of this tool

exit or quit

Exits the REPL


To run all builders and all languages defined in the config file use

sphinxcli build

To run a specific builder specify it after the build command

sphinxcli build html

To run multiple builders add them after the build command separated by : characters.

sphinxcli build "html:latex"

To generate documents for specific languages specify them after the builders.

sphinxcli build html "en:fr"


Removes any built files (documents and doctrees)


Get a setting's value


Set a setting's value and update the pyproject.toml file.


Display a list of the current settings

SphinxCLI Settings
  source       = src/docs/source
  target       = docs
  builders     = ['html']
  languages    = ['en']
  config       = src/docs/source
  doctree      = src/docs/build/doctree
  target_order = builder


Displays the version number of the tool


The tool is configured within the pyproject.toml file.

The builders item defines which builders are run by default and can be specified as

  • a string with one builder e.g. html
  • a string with multiple builders separated by a : character e.g. html:latex
  • a list of builders e.g. ["html", "latex"]

The source item defines the directory where the Sphinx source files (.rst/.md) can be found.

The target item specifies where the built files will be written

The languages specifies the default languages to be built and can be specified like the builders item.

The config item specifies the directory where the Sphinx can be found.

The doctree item specifies where the Sphinx environment files will be stored.

The target_order item specifies how the built files will be structured. It can be either

  • builder which means the files will be written to the directory structure target/builder/language
  • language which means the files will be written to the directory structure target/language/builder
builders = ["html"]
source = "src/docs/source"
target = "docs"
languages = ["en"]
config = "src/docs/source"
doctree = "src/docs/build/doctree"
target_order = "builder"