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Validate node-glob options

  sync: true,
  mark: '/',
  caches: {}
/* => [
  Error: `sync` option is deprecated and there’s no need to pass any values to that option, but true was provided.,
  TypeError: node-glob expected `mark` option to be a Boolean value, but got '/' (string).,
  Error: node-glob doesn't have `caches` option. Probably you meant `cache`.
] */


Use npm.

npm install validate-glob-opts


const validateGlobOpts = require('validate-glob-opts');

validateGlobOpts(obj [, customValidations])

obj: Object (glob options)
customValidations: Array<function>
Return: Array<Error>

It strictly validates glob options, for example,

  • It disallows the deprecated sync option to receive any values.
  • It disallows String options e.g. cwd to receive non-string values.
  • It disallows Boolean options e.g. stat to receive non-boolean values.
  • It disallows Object options e.g. symlinks to receive non-object values.
  • It invalidates probably typoed option names e.g. symlink.

Then, it returns the validation result as an array of error objects.

const validateGlobOpts = require('validate-glob-opts');

const ok = {
  root: '/foo/bar/',
  nodir: true,
  ignore: ['path1', 'path2'],
  symlinks: {}

validateGlobOpts(ok); //=> []

const notOk = {
  root: Buffer.from('Hi'),
  nodir: NaN,
  ignore: ['path1', 1],
  symlink: {}

const results = validateGlobOpts(notOk);
results.length; //=> 4
//=>  TypeError: node-glob expected `root` option to be a directory path (string), but got <Buffer 48 69>.
//=> TypeError: node-glob expected `nodir` option to be a Boolean value, but got NaN (number).
//=> TypeError: Expected every value in the `ignore` option to be a string, but the array includes a non-string value 1 (number).
//=> Error: node-glob doesn't have `symlink` option. Probably you meant `symlinks`.

User-defined validation

You can provide your own validations by passing an array of functions to the second parameter. Each function receives the object and should return an error when the object is not valid.

validateGlobOpts({realPath: true, nodir: true});
/*=> [
  Error: node-glob doesn't have `realPath` option. Probably you meant `realpath`.
] */

validateGlobOpts({realPath: true, nodir: true}, [
  obj => obj.nodir ? new Error('My app doesn\'t support `nodir` option.') : null
/*=> [
  Error: node-glob doesn't have `realPath` option. Probably you meant `realpath`.
  TypeError: My app doesn't support `nodir` option.
] */


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