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Packer template for DigitalOcean Debian custom image with TimescaleDB, Promscale & pgBackRest.


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A Packer template for building a DigitalOcean Custom Image using VirtualBox that includes these components:

And these optional components (enabled by default):

  • Promtail (set enable_promtail to false to disable)…
    • Listening for logs on port 3100
    • Collecting logs from /var/log, syslog (via rsyslog) & journald; and
    • Configured to forward all logs to an unspecified Loki instance
  • pgBackRest with a placeholder configuration (set enable_pgbackrest to false to disable)
  • s4cmd (set enable_s3_tools to false to disable)
  • Zstandard (set enable_s3_tools to false to disable)

Some of these must be configured through user data or other means when deployed. The easiest way is via the builtin envsubst tool.

To skip the DigitalOcean import (leaving the VM as an appliance that can be imported into VirtualBox), use -except:

packer build -except=digitalocean-import server.pkr.hcl

journald is configured to store its logs only in memory, so they do not survive reboots.


The CI builds fail frequently thanks to rate limiting on GitHub’s end, despite the workflows specifying PACKER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN. There’s nothing to be done except wait and retry.


Parts of this repository are modelled after Jeff Geerling’s excellent packer-boxes repository and tsugliani/packer-vsphere-debian-appliances.