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hapi-hi Build status for hapi Hi

Status route for your server

This hapi plugin adds a GET /status route to your app so that you can check the health of your service by making an HTTP request.


  • Provides useful metrics about your server.
  • Response format is friendly to humans and machines.
  • Knowing service health helps you recover from errors.


npm install hapi-hi


Register the plugin on your server to provide the health check endpoint.

const hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');
const hi = require('hapi-hi');

const server = hapi.server();

const init = async () => {
    await server.register({
        plugin  : hi,
        options : {
            cwd : __dirname
    await server.start();
    console.log('Server ready:',;


Visiting /status will return a JSON response with app info because of this plugin.

    "appName"    : "my-project",
    "appVersion" : "1.0.0",
    "statusCode" : 200,
    "status"     : "OK",
    "time"       : "2016-10-06T13:48:10.586Z",
    "process"    : {
        "uptime"  : 519163.478,
        "title"   : "node /srv/my-project/bin/my-project.js",
        "version" : "12.0.0",
        "pid"     : 23794,



GET /status

Tags: health, monitor, status

Returns an object that contains properties useful for checking the status of your server, including appName, appVersion, statusCode, status, time, and a process object with details about the Node.js process.

Plugin options

Type: object


Type: string
Default: process.cwd()

Where to begin a find-up search for your project's package.json. Used to provide the name and version of your app in the status route response.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Apply a /__${appName} prefix to the status route, where ${appName} is replaced with the name from your package.json. This is useful for reverse proxies to remain transparent (e.g. ensure they don't accidentally block access to a file called status).


See our contributing guidelines for more details.

  1. Fork it.
  2. Make a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request.


MPL-2.0 © Seth Holladay

Go make something, dang it.