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Thomas Digby edited this page Dec 18, 2016 · 5 revisions


The aim of this wiki is to collate all the Tapestry discussions we usually have on Slack into a single reference-able place. It will cover the Tapestry code-base, what's already been written and agreed upon, any road-blocks and cool #fewtch features we want to add, as well as how it's consumed within a parent application and any cross-over points in-between. Hopefully we'll arrive at an agreed MVP that we can plan and organise within Trello.


Tapestry should provide a simple way to create a Wordpress API led, React rendered website. It should handle booting the server, bundling the client, routing, production builds, deployment, styling etc. The parent application should only need to pass a Wordpress URL and a set of top-level components that match Wordpress's default data-types, a post, page and category.

It should allow us to create a site with a folder structure similar to this:


With each top-level component consuming props directly from the API, props in this case will be the exact json data returned from an API call.

import React from 'react'

const Component = (props) =>

export default Component

Who knows what tapestry.config.js will eventually turn out like, but for now it exports an object referencing the top-level components and site url.

import Base from './components/base'
import Category from './components/category'
import Page from './components/page'
import Post from './components/post'

export default {
  components: { Base, Post, Page, Category },
  url: ''

How to do the compilation

  • Write your "parent project" in ES6 using import syntax
  • Include a .babelrc plugin in your "parent project"
  • Have Tapestry spawn a new process to transpile it to ES5
  • Use an auto-install-and-load-npm-modules module to get around missing plugins in babelrc?
  • Transpile the "app tree" to ES5 and place it somewhere in the server.
  • The Tapestry web-server will load in the ES5 app tree and render HTML
  • The Tapestry client-build will load in the ES5 app tree into the "shell" client.js which includes react-dom and async-props etc.

Coupla notes about that compilation stuff

  • The Webpack config needs libraryTarget: "commonjs2" to correctly return a component tree once imported on the server.
  • The server needs to be written with require()s.
  • I think we're going to have to React.createElement on the server as we won't be transpiling the code-base, it'll impact these files:
    • server.js - <AsyncProps /> & <DefaultHTML /> - not a biggie
    • default-routes.js - We can use the object syntax rather than JSX here right? Route config?
    • default-html.js - Replace with a template literal? Helmet has a toString() method for this use-case.
    • Loaders - We're only returning a single element in the render method so shouldn't be an issue, but this might change anyway if we're rethinking loaders.