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Simple React Native Typescript with Jest Testing Library

What is a Test?
  • Code you write to verify the behavior of your application.
  • Tests are a specifications for hwo our code should work.
  • Verify that engineers are following best practices and conventions for your team.
  • We write tests because it allows us to ship quality code faster.
Types of Tests?
  • End-to-End: Spin up your app and simulate user behaviour. Kind of like a robot performing a task in your app.
  • Integration: Verify that multiple units work together.
  • Unit: Verify the functionality of a single function/component.
  • Static: Catch typos and errors while riting code.
A Jest Test
const expected = true;
const actual = false;

test("it works", () => {
  • npx react-native init MyApp --template react-native-template-typescript

  • npm install --save @testing-library/react-native @testing-library/jest-native

  • Official Docs -

  • npm run test --watch