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Rufus Setup

This is only needed for Shopware internals

It is highly recommended to clone a new Shopware 6 Repository for Rufus only, as it changes your entire Installation.

Setup gRPC in CLI

Create a file $HOME/.config/swdc/cli/Dockerfile and add the following content:


USER root
RUN install-php-extensions grpc
USER 1000

Be aware that after this setting PHP_VERSION in the swdc configuration does not have any effect anymore.

This makes that swdc shell contains gRPC.

Setup gRPC in App Container

The CLI container and the actual nginx/php container are different and don't share anything. This allows running multiple shopware instances with different versions.

To adjust the app container, create a .swdc/Dockerfile in your project folder (shopware)


RUN install-php-extensions grpc

Run now swdc up and take a coffee. gRPC compiling takes years

Installing Shopware + Rufus itself

Build the project normal using swdc build project-name. Open a shell using swdc shell go to rufus directly and run the commands of the README of rufus