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Add isRequired flag option (#141)
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Co-authored-by: Sindre Sorhus <>
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sbencoding and sindresorhus committed May 7, 2020
1 parent c4c5ee2 commit 1eede6a
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Showing 10 changed files with 304 additions and 15 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion index.d.ts
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,21 @@ import {PackageJson} from 'type-fest';
declare namespace meow {
type FlagType = 'string' | 'boolean' | 'number';

Callback function to determine if a flag is required during runtime.
@param flags - Contains the flags converted to camel-case excluding aliases.
@param input - Contains the non-flag arguments.
@returns True if the flag is required, otherwise false.
type IsRequiredPredicate = (flags: Readonly<AnyFlags>, input: readonly string[]) => boolean;

interface Flag<Type extends FlagType, Default> {
readonly type?: Type;
readonly alias?: string;
readonly default?: Default;
readonly isRequired?: boolean | IsRequiredPredicate;
readonly isMultiple?: boolean;

Expand All @@ -25,6 +36,8 @@ declare namespace meow {
- `type`: Type of value. (Possible values: `string` `boolean` `number`)
- `alias`: Usually used to define a short flag alias.
- `default`: Default value when the flag is not specified.
- `isRequired`: Determine if the flag is required.
If it's only known at runtime whether the flag is requried or not you can pass a Function instead of a boolean, which based on the given flags and other non-flag arguments should decide if the flag is required.
- `isMultiple`: Indicates a flag can be set multiple times. Values are turned into an array. (Default: false)
Expand All @@ -34,7 +47,14 @@ declare namespace meow {
type: 'string',
alias: 'u',
default: ['rainbow', 'cat'],
isMultiple: true
isMultiple: true,
isRequired: (flags, input) => {
if (flags.otherFlag) {
return true;
return false;
Expand Down
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions index.js
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,46 @@ const arrify = require('arrify');
delete require.cache[__filename];
const parentDir = path.dirname(module.parent.filename);

const isFlagMissing = (flagName, definedFlags, receivedFlags, input) => {
const flag = definedFlags[flagName];
let isFlagRequired = true;

if (typeof flag.isRequired === 'function') {
isFlagRequired = flag.isRequired(receivedFlags, input);
if (typeof isFlagRequired !== 'boolean') {
throw new TypeError(`Return value for isRequired callback should be of type boolean, but ${typeof isFlagRequired} was returned.`);

if (typeof receivedFlags[flagName] === 'undefined') {
return isFlagRequired;

return flag.isMultiple && receivedFlags[flagName].length === 0;

const getMissingRequiredFlags = (flags, receivedFlags, input) => {
const missingRequiredFlags = [];
if (typeof flags === 'undefined') {
return [];

for (const flagName of Object.keys(flags)) {
if (flags[flagName].isRequired && isFlagMissing(flagName, flags, receivedFlags, input)) {
missingRequiredFlags.push({key: flagName, ...flags[flagName]});

return missingRequiredFlags;

const reportMissingRequiredFlags = missingRequiredFlags => {
console.error(`Missing required flag${missingRequiredFlags.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`);
for (const flag of missingRequiredFlags) {
console.error(`\t--${flag.key}${flag.alias ? `, -${flag.alias}` : ''}`);

const buildParserFlags = ({flags, booleanDefault}) =>
Object.entries(flags).reduce((parserFlags, [flagKey, flagValue]) => {
const flag = {...flagValue};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +195,15 @@ const meow = (helpText, options) => {
delete flags[flagValue.alias];

// Get a list of missing flags that are required
const missingRequiredFlags = getMissingRequiredFlags(options.flags, flags, input);

// Print error message for missing flags that are required
if (missingRequiredFlags.length > 0) {

return {
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -68,5 +68,10 @@
"ignores": [
"ava": {
"files": [
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ The key is the flag name and the value is an object with any of:
- `type`: Type of value. (Possible values: `string` `boolean` `number`)
- `alias`: Usually used to define a short flag alias.
- `default`: Default value when the flag is not specified.
- `isRequired`: Determine if the flag is required. (Default: false)
- If it's only known at runtime whether the flag is requried or not, you can pass a `Function` instead of a `boolean`, which based on the given flags and other non-flag arguments, should decide if the flag is required. Two arguments are passed to the function:
- The first argument is the **flags** object, which contains the flags converted to camel-case excluding aliases.
- The second argument is the **input** string array, which contains the non-flag arguments.
- The function should return a `boolean`, true if the flag is required, otherwise false.
- `isMultiple`: Indicates a flag can be set multiple times. Values are turned into an array. (Default: false)
Expand All @@ -147,7 +152,14 @@ flags: {
type: 'string',
alias: 'u',
default: ['rainbow', 'cat'],
isMultiple: true
isMultiple: true,
isRequired: (flags, input) => {
if (flags.otherFlag) {
return true;

return false;
Expand Down
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions test/fixtures/fixture-required-function.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const meow = require('../..');

const cli = meow({
description: 'Custom description',
help: `
foo <input>
flags: {
trigger: {
type: 'boolean',
alias: 't'
withTrigger: {
type: 'string',
isRequired: (flags, _) => {
return flags.trigger;
allowError: {
type: 'boolean',
alias: 'a'
shouldError: {
type: 'boolean',
isRequired: (flags, _) => {
if (flags.allowError) {
return 'should error';

return false;

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions test/fixtures/fixture-required-multiple.js
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const meow = require('../..');

const cli = meow({
description: 'Custom description',
help: `
foo <input>
flags: {
test: {
type: 'number',
alias: 't',
isRequired: true,
isMultiple: true

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions test/fixtures/fixture-required.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const meow = require('../..');

const cli = meow({
description: 'Custom description',
help: `
foo <input>
flags: {
test: {
type: 'string',
alias: 't',
isRequired: true
number: {
type: 'number',
isRequired: true
notRequired: {
type: 'string'

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fixture.js → test/fixtures/fixture.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict';
const meow = require('.');
const meow = require('../..');

const cli = meow({
description: 'Custom description',
Expand Down
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions test/is-required-flag.js
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import test from 'ava';
import execa from 'execa';
const path = require('path');

const fixtureRequiredPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'fixture-required.js');
const fixtureRequiredFunctionPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'fixture-required-function.js');
const fixtureRequiredMultiplePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'fixture-required-multiple.js');

test('spawn cli and test not specifying required flags', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredPath, []);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.regex(stderr, /--test, -t/);
t.regex(stderr, /--number/);
t.notRegex(stderr, /--notRequired/);

test('spawn cli and test specifying all required flags', async t => {
const {stdout} = await execa(fixtureRequiredPath, [
]);, 'test,6');

test('spawn cli and test specifying required string flag with an empty string as value', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredPath, ['--test', '']);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.notRegex(stderr, /--test, -t/);

test('spawn cli and test specifying required number flag without a number', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredPath, ['--number']);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.regex(stderr, /--number/);

test('spawn cli and test setting isRequired as a function and not specifying any flags', async t => {
const {stdout} = await execa(fixtureRequiredFunctionPath, []);, 'false,undefined');

test('spawn cli and test setting isRequired as a function and specifying only the flag that activates the isRequired condition for the other flag', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredFunctionPath, ['--trigger']);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.regex(stderr, /--withTrigger/);

test('spawn cli and test setting isRequired as a function and specifying both the flags', async t => {
const {stdout} = await execa(fixtureRequiredFunctionPath, ['--trigger', '--withTrigger', 'specified']);, 'true,specified');

test('spawn cli and test setting isRequired as a function and check if returning a non-boolean value throws an error', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredFunctionPath, ['--allowError', '--shouldError', 'specified']);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 1/);
t.regex(stderr, /Return value for isRequired callback should be of type boolean, but string was returned./);

test('spawn cli and test isRequired with isMultiple giving a single value', async t => {
const {stdout} = await execa(fixtureRequiredMultiplePath, ['--test', '1']);, '[ 1 ]');

test('spawn cli and test isRequired with isMultiple giving a multiple values', async t => {
const {stdout} = await execa(fixtureRequiredMultiplePath, ['--test', '1', '2', '3']);, '[ 1, 2, 3 ]');

test('spawn cli and test isRequired with isMultiple giving no values, but flag is given', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredMultiplePath, ['--test']);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.regex(stderr, /--test/);

test('spawn cli and test isRequired with isMultiple giving no values, but flag is not given', async t => {
try {
await execa(fixtureRequiredMultiplePath, []);
} catch (error) {
const {stderr, message} = error;
t.regex(message, /Command failed with exit code 2/);
t.regex(stderr, /Missing required flag/);
t.regex(stderr, /--test/);

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