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Breaking Change
Breaking Change
Some of existing API is changed or removed
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Make this project better
incomplete info
incomplete info
Need more information from the issue creator
Material UI (v5)
Material UI (v5)
Support @mui/material v5
new feature
new feature
pkg: components
pkg: components
issue related to @mui-treasury/components
pkg: formik
pkg: formik
issue related to @mui-treasury/formik
pkg: layout
pkg: layout
issue related to @mui-treasury/layout
pkg: mockup
pkg: mockup
issue related to @mui-treasury/mockup
pkg: styles
pkg: styles
issue related to @mui-treasury/styles
PR: Breaking Change 💥
PR: Breaking Change :boom:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: Bug Fix 🐛
PR: Bug Fix :bug:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: Docs 📝
PR: Docs :memo:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: New Feature 🚀
PR: New Feature :rocket:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: Performance ⚡
PR: Performance :zap:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: Refactor 💡
PR: Refactor :bulb:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
PR: style 💄
PR: style :lipstick:
A type of pull request used for our changelog categories
Priority: High 😱
Priority: High 😱
issue that need fix immediately (production bug, blocker)
scope: website
scope: website
issue related to documentation site
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
This will not be worked on