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The loftili ui (LFTUI) is the browser-side application that is the most user-facing side of the loftili platform. It is the source code in this repository that the user is ultimately interacting with on The code is structured around angularjs.


The source code for LFTUI is split into three different languages - sass, jade, and coffeescript - with each having their own directory in the src directory. Each of these languages gets compiled into their final form - css, html and javascript, respectively. The compilation of these assets requires nodejs to run. To get up an running, you need to take care of a few things first:

1. download and install node

The version of node does not matter too much - it is only required for the compilation of the assets. If you are planning on working on the api and the ui at the same time however, it would be wise to check out the README in that project for more specific instructions.

2. install the grunt-cli and bower command line tools

Grunt is very similar to rake, make or other build utility programs. It uses the Gruntfile.js file to read in all of the user-configured buid tasks and targets, executing the ones the user requested. From

The Grunt ecosystem is huge and it's growing every day. With literally hundreds of plugins to choose from, you can use Grunt to automate just about anything with a minimum of effort. If someone hasn't already built what you need, authoring and publishing your own Grunt plugin to npm is a breeze.

Bower is like the browser-side equivalent of npm. It uses the bower.json to maintain a record of libraries and frameworks the application depends on. Ultimately, these libraries will end up in the user's browser, most likely though a concatenation build step. This is where you will find angular listed.

Both of these packages can be installed globally:

$ sudo npm install bower -g
$ sudo npm install grunt-cli -g

This will allow you to run the grunt and bower commands anywhere. If they are not installed globally, they might be usable via the local ./node_modules/.bin directory.

3. install npm and bower packages

Now that bower is installed, you'll want to install both the npm packages as well as the bower packages. This looks like:

$ npm install
$ bower install

The packages installed during npm install are mostly grunt-specific packages that are used during the build process, mainly:

  1. grunt-contrib-coffee - compiles the coffeescript to javascript
  2. grunt-angular-templates - compiles the .jade files to a single .js file that is usable by angular. each jade file turns into a block that looks like:
angular.module("directives.edit_field", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
    "<div ng-click=\"toggle($event)\" ng-class=\"{editing:editing}\" class=\"edit-field\">\n" +
    "  <div ng-transclude=\"ng-transclude\" class=\"content\"></div>\n" +
  1. grunt-contrib-jade - compiles the index.jade into index.html
  2. grunt-contrib-watch - re-runs tasks based on source changes
  3. node-sass - instead of using the grunt-contrib-sass task, we've rolled our own, which uses a native port of sass to compile our styles.

4. run grunt

At this point, you are able to run grunt and compile the source into it's final form:


6. setup an app.conf.json file

In order to leave environment-specific configuration information out of the application source code, one of the first things the application does it load in an app.conf.json file. This file contains important information, namely the location of the api. It also contains a url for the blog, which is used to pull in the static content for some of the pages. This can be set to, which points at the production wordpress blog instance, which as the WP-API extension instaleld.

  urls: {
    api: "",
    blog: ""
  socket: {
    host: "",
    path: "/sock"
  google: {
    tracking: "UA-XXXXXXX-X"

5. run an http server from the public directory

At this point, you have plenty of options for "running" the code. All of the source has now been compiled into the public directory (which is ignored from git):

$ ls -lah ./public
total 32
drwxr-xr-x  11 dadley  staff   374B Aug 17 09:59 .
drwxr-xr-x  24 dadley  staff   816B Aug 17 10:01 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 dadley  staff   409B Jan 26  2015 .htaccess
-rw-r--r--   1 dadley  staff   130B Dec  8  2014 app.conf.example
-rw-r--r--   1 dadley  staff   210B Jun  3 16:56 app.conf.json
drwxr-xr-x   3 dadley  staff   102B Aug 17 09:58 css
drwxr-xr-x   4 dadley  staff   136B Aug 17 09:59 img
-rw-r--r--   1 dadley  staff   1.4K Aug 17 09:58 index.html
drwxr-xr-x   4 dadley  staff   136B Aug 17 09:59 js
drwxr-xr-x   7 dadley  staff   238B Jul 21 14:23 swf
drwxr-xr-x   4 dadley  staff   136B Feb 22 17:31 vendor

5a. http-server - a command line http server

This is by far the simplest approach, and after installing, getting up and running is as simple as:

$ cd ./public/
$ http-server

5b. apache virtual host

<VirtualHost *:80>
  SSLProxyEngine On
  DocumentRoot "/your/source/directory/loftili/ui/public"
  ProxyPass /api/ http://localhost:1337/

5c. nginx server

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name localhost;
  client_max_body_size 200M;

  root /your/source/directory/loftili/ui/public;
  index index.html;

  location / {
    rewrite .* /index.html break;

  location /api {
    client_max_body_size 200M;
    rewrite ^/api/(.*) /$1 break;
    proxy_redirect off;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;


Contributions are very welcome, and anyone interested in contributing to LFTAPI should follow the guide published by github, and create an issue, or just fork the repository, make your change, and open a pull request.


Please see LICENSE.txt


[coffeescript jade sass] strictly client side code deployable on any webserver







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