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Email Collector

This is a React application in Vite used to collect emails for SD Ruby meetup communications.

🧱 Technologies and Versions

  • React + Vite
  • Node v21.5.0
  • Yarn 1.22.21

✅ Onboarding to the App

  • To run the app in a development environment, clone the repository and run yarn
  • To spin up a local server run the command yarn dev
  • The application will run locally at http://localhost:5173/

🫧 Linting

Linting is handled by Prettier. Check for linting errors in the project by running:

yarn prettier:check:ci

Fix most lint issues in the project by running:

yarn prettier:format

🏃‍♀️ GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions will run workflows for linting on each push.

🤝 Application Dependencies

🗄️ Useful Resources

A few of the many resources that helped to build this application.

🚀 Deployment

  • The application is deployed on and available at this url