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A MagicMirror helper module to track reported cases of COVID-19 with sparkline plots.


This work is a combination of two other plugins:

  • MMM-COVID19 by Jose Forte
    • This plugin has a clean design, but I didn't care for the service that it used as a data source. If you look at my commit history, you'll find a version of Jose's plugin where I've added plot capability.
  • MMM-COVID-19 by Seongnoh Sean Yi
    • This plugin uses GitHub as a backend, the same data source that is used by the famous Johns Hopkins Map. I prefer the use of this data source.

At the end of the day, I decided to merge the two approaches to get what I wanted, adding the use of the awesome highcharts.js to get sparkline plots next to the daily totals.

  • sparklines on/off
  • line showing numeric delta change of each column
  • delta plot
  • weekly delta vs. total cases plot (see explanation below)
  • configurable column displays
  • configurable sparkline size
  • configurable number of days to plot in sparklines
  • configurable number delimiters (thanks @BrianHepler!)
  • configurable "n days" to sum in delta plot



sparklineDeltavsDaily = true

New option added 4-April-2020. This option was inspired by YouTube producer minutephysics, who proposes plotting the total number of cases on the X-axis and the weekly change in cases on the Y-axis to help visualize whether or not we're winning the battle against COVID-19. See his video here.

If you enable this option, the daily plot will no longer be shown. Honestly, the daily plot is not that interesting, as it only shows that the rate of infection is exponential. This plot at least gives you something to look (hope) for.

Note: This type of plot ignores the "sparklineDays" directive; it always shows all available data.

Explanation of sparklineDeltavsDaily option


Has a smooothing effect on the graph, but also changes amplitude and causes a slight phase shift in the graph as each graph point is now the sum of the last (n) days (includng today). This means that the higher you set this value, the longer it will take you to spot trends in the data. That being said, this will help smooth out noise and prevent you from spotting false trends.

In the below example, the left is the default value showDeltaPlotNDays=1, and the right is showDeltaPlotNDays=7.

Explanation of showDeltaPlotNDays option


By setting this to -1, you can plot deaths below the x axis. If you set this to a higher negative number, like -4, the death count will be amplified and more visible in the plot.

Default value: sparklineDeathScale = 1

Explanation of sparklineDeathScale option


In your terminal, go to your MagicMirror's Module folder:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules

Clone this repository:

git clone

Change to plugin directory and fetch dependencies:

npm install

Add the module to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

    module: 'MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE'

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
header The header text

Default value: 'COVID-19-SPARKLINE'
worldStats Worldwide stats

Possible values: false or true
Default value: true
countries The countries that we want to get COVID-19 stats

Possible values: [ "Argentina, "US" ]
Default value: [ "US", "Italy", "Germany", "Canada", "Mexico" ]
orderCountriesByName Order results by country name (asc)

Possible values: false or true
Default value: false
lastUpdateInfo Last update info in UTC Time

Possible values: false or true
Default value: false
headerRowClass The font size of the row headers

Possible values: 'small', 'medium', 'big'
Default value: 'small'
infoRowClass The font size of data

Possible values: 'small', 'medium', 'big'
Default value: 'medium'
updateInterval How often does the content needs to be fetched? (Milliseconds)

Possible values: 1000 - 86400000
Default value: 10800000 (3 hours)
Note that this data is updated once daily, so setting this to a small value will not force updates faster, it will only put a burden on github.
columns The columns you wish to be displayed. Possible values: [ "confirmed", "deaths", "recovered"]
Default value: [ "confirmed", "deaths", "recovered" ]
fadeSpeed Fade speed in ms
Default value: 1000
sparklines Show sparkline plots or not
Default value: true
sparklineWidth width of sparkline in px
Default value: 120
sparklineHeight height of sparkline in px
Default value: 30
sparklineDays Number of days to show in plot, specify 0 for all available days
Default value: 0
showDelta Whether or not to show the change from the last measurement
Default value: false
showDeltaPlotNDays For the delta plot, show the plot as a sum of the previous n days. This will smooth the graph.
Default value: 1
sparklineDeltavsDaily will show Delta vs Daily plot, see
Default value: false
sparklineDeathScale scaling factor to apply to deaths. Use -1 to show deaths plotted below the x axis. Use a higher number to accentuate/amplify the deaths plot for better visibility.
Default value: 1
showDelimiter Will add number delimiters for easier reading. (34567 becomes 34,567)
Default value: false
delimiter The character used as the number delimiter.
Default value: ","

Config Example

    module: 'MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE',
      position: "bottom_left",
      config : {
        worldStats: true,
        sparklines: true,
        sparklineWidth: 100,
        sparklineHeight: 55,
        sparklineDays: 50,
        sparklineDeltavsDaily: true, 
        sortby: "confirmed",
        columns: ["confirmed", "deaths", "recovered"],
        countries: ["US", "Italy", "Germany", "China", "Canada", "Mexico"],
        updateInterval: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 3,  //3 hours
        infoRowClass: "medium",
        headerRowClass: "small",
        fadeSpeed: 1000,
        showDelta: true,
        showDeltaPlotNDays: 7,
        sparklineDeathScale: -4,
        showDelimiter: true


To update the module to the latest version, use your terminal to go to your MMM-COVID19-SPARKLINE module folder and type the following commands:

git pull
npm install


Probably I will not actively maintain this plugin unless it breaks. If you want to modify it, that's great, please make a pull request.


Thanks to Jose Forte and Seongnoh Sean Yi for your plugins, I borrowed heavily from your work to create this derivative work.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • JavaScript 98.2%
  • CSS 1.8%