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Releases: smallbasic/SmallBASIC


26 Apr 08:43
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COMMON: Add new function TRANSPOSE()
COMMON: Allow modules to return objects with methods that take arguments
COMMON: Fix TSAVE bug #205
COMMON: Fix bug #149: Problem with big hex numbers in windows
COMMON: Fix bug: LINEQN tolerance
COMMON: Fix building on Cygwin
COMMON: Fix floating-point number round-precision bug when converting a floating-point number to string.
COMMON: Fix for RoundPrecisionBug
COMMON: Fix linking issue on MSYS2
COMMON: Fix parameter number error when calling a unit sub/func
COMMON: Fix redim regression
COMMON: Fix: RTRIM changes input string
COMMON: Improvements for
COMMON: Serial port improvements.
COMMON: Show a runtime error if a module calls exit()
CONSOLE: Bugfix for image.clip() and
CONSOLE: Fix image save
PLUGINS: Added mechanism for cleaning up resources when the associated map falls out of scope


26 Mar 09:26
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FLTK and SDL version numbers now included in SBVER
Fixed "0 IMP 0" returns now correct result 1 (Joe7M)
Fixed BIN and changes to return values of POLYCENT and POLYAREA (Joe7M)
Fixed DIM lower bound (Joe7M)
Fixed EQV bug. "0 EQV 0" will return correct result "1" (Joe7M)
Fixed an issue with window resizing #144
Fixed bug in BGETC when using sockets (Joe7M)
Fixed editor display issues with DOS line-endings
Fixed line-chart line drawing to use current foreground color
Fixed printing chr(0) into a file or network interface
INPUT #F; now supports up to 64 parameters
Implemented STATMEDIAN() to calculate the median of a data sample in statistics (Joe7M)
Implemented STATSTD() to calculate standard deviation (Joe7M)
RGB and RGBF now clamp parameters (Joe7M)


20 Aug 11:36
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04 Jun 22:36
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EMCC: Implemented emscripten web version
UI: add support for"file.png") as per console
WEB: Added simple REST server support
COMMON: ARRAY now parses json with true/false correctly
COMMON: Fix #131 - Scalar * Vector doesnt work
COMMON: Fix array access with embedded strings #136
COMMON: Fixed hashmap access issue
COMMON: Fixed http_read to handle large HTTP headers
COMMON: Implemented window.setLocation(x,y) #102
COMMON: Removed 'Meaningless' CDBL, CINT, CREAL. These can be poly-filled with 'DEF' if required.
COMMON: Update plugin system to allow loading to be driven by the IMPORT statement
COMMON: m3Apply no longer crashes if the second argument is not an array
COMMON: parse JSON with SB ";" dimension syntax
CONSOLE: Added -i command switch for live mode
This will run the BASIC program in a loop. It can be used with the debug module
to rerun whenever the source code changes:

import debug
run("xdotool windowactivate `xdotool search --onlyvisible --name \"Emacs\"`")
while (!debug.IsSourceModified())
  rem main loop


29 Aug 11:35
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COMMON: Fix CIRCLE command to ensure radius uses the WINDOW coordinate system
COMMON: Fix array append regression #122
COMMON: Fix crash when line length limit exceeded
COMMON: Fix square bracket field access issue
COMMON: Fix to ensure the default VIEW is maintained during resizing
COMMON: Fixes 'Socket Client doesn't receive byte with value 13' #112
COMMON: Fixes TSAVE of arrays includes extra null character. #119
COMMON: Handle octal escapes correctly
COMMON: rand() replacment using PCG
COMMON: updated sub-modules
FLTK: Fix PSET display of extra pixel
FLTK: Implemented image opacity handling
SDL: Fix live edit when start path contains unicode characters #123
SDL: Update editor to handle unit errors
SDL: Validate window dimensions on loading to prevent hidden window
UI: Allow RGB to be used with image array passed to IMAGE
UI: Fix RGB handling with IMAGE
UI: Fix maDrawRGB() buffer overflow
UI: Fix potential memory leak using IMAGE
UI: Fix to make image save and load compatible
UI: Implemented image.clip(left,top,right,bottom)
UI: added window hideKeypad #125
UI: added xpm validation check.
UI: fix image placement when using img.clip()
UI: implemented image.draw()
UI: make image save and load compatible.
UI: prevent invalid char input with ALT+ESC keystroke


08 Jan 07:43
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COMMON: Fix to allow c-modules to be called from units
COMMON: Fix to allow multiple modules and units within same program
COMMON: Implemented c-styles escape sequences
COMMON: Add support for inline assignment of export variables
COMMON: Add support for unit alias names
COMMON: ensure INT datatype is always 64 bits
CONSOLE: give error when file not found
SDL: Update editor popup appearance
SDL: Implemented restoring the cursor position
ANDROID: add option to preserve user data when app uninstalled
ANDROID: change path label when displaying project folder
MODULES: added raylib, nuklear, websocket, glfw and clipboard modules.


16 Jul 01:49
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Fix ABSMIN/ABSMAX transposed #96
Fix crash when passing non-array to CHART
Fix to array destination
Fix INPUT crash #99
Fix integration with latest version of miniaudio library #90
Implement DEFINEKEY undo #92
Implement colour themes

Implement line numbers colours #93

Restore window size #95
Show icon in linux build


15 Mar 20:52
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SDL: fix issue #81 - numlock handling
FLTK: added live editing menu item
COMMON: increase stack size to 1024
COMMON: Fix path for HOME constant


22 Dec 05:44
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Release 0.12.17

COMMON: Implement select case by func. Issue #83
COMMON: fix dirwalk error handling
FLTK: version recreated for FLTK v1.4.0
SDL: add menu control key indicators
SDL: fix issue #81 - numlock handling
SDL: now uses miniaudio library for sound

Changes from 0.12.15 / 0.12.16 (android only)

SDL: added -n command line option to run then not pause for back key
SDL: update editor find and replace
COMMON: Implemented - FOR character IN string
COMMON: Fix crash when using GOTO with a non-existent label
UI: ALT+F4 from edit/run now returns to edit
UI: avoid flicker from with ALT+F4 -e edit startup
UI: Edit enter now continues prior line comment
UI: added kill-word editor command (alt+d)
UI: added select-word editor command (alt+w)
UI: find command primed from editor selection

SmallBASIC version 0.12.6

14 May 04:25
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Fix to prevent const overwriting another const
Updated MID and REPLACE for performance
POINT(0) and POINT(1) values now reset with each program run
POINT(-x, -y) now provides access to the base screen image. For better
performance use the IMAGE.SAVE sub command
Fixes for unit case sensitivity
Fixes for RUN/EXEC
Fixed memory handling issues with UNITs
Fixed memory issue related to SUB/FUNC pointers
Removed BALLOC, MALLOC and VADR keywords. Removed duplicate ENVIRON
Removed system constants BPP and VIDADR, OSNAME, LINECHART, BARCHART
Added TIMESTAMP to return the modified-datetime of a file
Added LSHIFT and RSHIFT bit shift operators
SBVER now includes build information
TICKS now returns millisecond intervals
Refactor eval() for performance
Fixed some memory leaks in the ui handler
Editor now restores cursor when returning from run
Editor now displays the correct filename in the title bar
Added "industrial" editor theme from Shian (slot 2)
Fixed editor highlighting
Runtime errors now show source screen with red error highlighter
Form refresh command now takes an boolean arg, true=push ui state to vars
The IMAGE argument can now be PNG data stored in an INT array
The IMAGE argument can now be x,y,w,h screen corordinates
The IMAGE argument can now be a 2-D array of POINTS
Updated IMAGE sub-command to save 2-D array of POINT
Added window.setFont command to set font size, bold and italic. example:
       w = window():w.setFont(10, "pt", false, true)
TRUE is now always returned as 1
Added file manager to main shell program
Fixed problem with escaped chars using FORMAT
Fixed problem with XNOR command result
Fixed problem with IMP and EQV command result
Fixed issues with INKEY command to allow ALT/SHIFT/CTRL states to be returned
Fixed capslock handling
Fixed issues with TRY/CATCH
Fixed using POINT to retrieve IMAGE data
Fixed issues with CHAIN
Fixed TLOAD to work correctly with TRY/CATCH
Fixed XPOS and YPOS to return 0 based values
Fixed compiler checking for redundant symbols, for example: let a = 1 2 3