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Importing Keys

Thomas edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Importing Keys into the Chainlink Node

Chainlink supports the importing of a keystore file to the desired directory as the $ROOT environment variable. This will default to ~/.chainlink/keys unless explicitly set otherwise before the import command is ran.

First, if required, set your $ROOT environment variable (this step can be skipped if ~/.chainlink/keys is acceptable):

$ export ROOT=/path/to/chainlink/keys

Then simply run the import command:

$ chainlink i /current/path/to/keystore.json

The file keystore.json will be copied to the /path/to/chainlink/keys directory.

If there is already a keystore file in the /path/to/chainlink/keys directory, the following message will appear instead:

Account already present in keystore: /path/to/chainlink/keys

If this happens, please move the existing keystore files out of the directory, and try again.