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Renovate configs (and more)

This repository hosts several sharable configs that can be consumed and customized by Snowcoders packages.

We're open to hosting more, as long as they are a part of the Snowcoders ecosystem.

Other things that are useful from this repository

  • .gitignore - We wil notify about updates via our changelog
  • .npmignore - We wil notify about updates via our changelog


A great example of how to use these configs is this repository itself! Though for you instead of referencing the dist folder directly you would reference @snowcoders/renovate-config

Eslint config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact eslint @typescript-eslint/parser @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier
  2. Create file.eslintrc.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.eslint;

Husky config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact husky lint-staged
  2. Create file.huskyrc.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.husky;

Jest config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact jest ts-jest
  2. Create file jest.config.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.jest;

Lint staged config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact husky lint-staged
  2. Create file.lintstagedrc.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.lintStaged;

Prettier config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact prettier
  2. Create file.prettierrc.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.prettier;

Sortier config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i --save-dev --exact sortier
  2. Create file.sortierrc.js.

  3. Add the following contents

    /* eslint-disable */
    const configs = require("@snowcoders/renovate-config");
    module.exports = configs.sortier;

Typescript config

  1. Install dependencies

    npm i -D -E typescript

For all configs, you'll need to specify:

  • compilerOptions.rootdir
  • compilerOptions.outdir
  • include
  • exclude

For libraries

Our project has three tsconfigs for libraries

  • tsconfig.library.json - config to be used for cli tools within the project
    • E.g. this is what your root tsconfig.json extends
  • tsconfig.library.cjs.json - config to be used for cjs output
  • tsconfig.library.esm.json - config to be used for esm output

For websites

Our project has four tsconfigs for websites

  • - config to be used for cli tools within the project
    • E.g. this is what your root tsconfig.json extends
  • - config for webpack to use for development browser asset builds
  • - config for webpack to use for production browser asset builds
  • - config to build the node server assets