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Programming Concepts

Concepts and Topics for New and Experienced Programmers to Learn, Practice, and Master.

Copyright @speakingcode (

Creative-Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0)


This book is intended to introduce various concepts, practices, tools and philosophies in order to provide a more guided path for seriously exploring the art of programming and the ways of coding. It is not intended to provide mastery of each of the topics, but rather to explain them just enough to allow the reader to guide his or her self with direction and confidence through the crowded landscape of software creation. Rather than a tutorial for some specific set of technologies, think of this guide as a detailed outline of many of weapons available in the programmer's arsenal, sprinkled with tidbits of experience, wisdom and hisorical context where appropriate.

Although this guide is largely conceptual and agnostic from any particular language or platform, some concrete examples may be used to reinforce lessons or emphasize practical implications. It is not intended to teach any specific language or tool, but examples may be biased in favor of preferred implements.

What Is Programming

In a very basic sense, programming is the process of providing instructions to a computer or machine in order to make it perform a desired calculation or task. Modern programming is a much richer experience that involves writing clever and meaningful code to model complex behaviors and solve difficult problems effectively.

Although electric and digital, modern computers still operate in a very mechanical fashion, rapidly loading instructions and data from memory, doing one of a few basic arithmetic operations on them, and storing them back in memory using specific addresses. Instructing computers at this low level is very tedious, as it requires many, many explicit operations of loading, manipulating and storing raw numbers and the purpose of the code becomes very difficult to decipher. Manually writing this machine code to program something like a graphical user interface that responds to user inputs, transfers data reliably over the Internet and carries out tasks in parallel becomes practically impossible.

Instead, programmers typically write programs in high-level langauges that look more like a mix of written human language and mathematical notation, which are then translated into machine code. Using these high level programming langauges transforms programming into a very expressive, creative craft that deals with abstract items and their relationships and encapsulating the technical details that allow them to operate.

Basic Programming

There are many applications of programming and various languages emphasize different paradigms, styles, and approaches that make use of different techniques and concepts. Regardless, several basic programming concepts are nearly universal to most languages used in modern practice. Although exact syntax and behavior will vary, many languages treat them conceptually quite similarly.


Similar to variables in mathematics, variables in programming are symbolic names used to reference pieces of data that may change or vary. In computing terms, variables are references that point to specific segments of memory. In practical terms, variables are names we give to pieces of data and use to recall and act on that data later on.

Perhaps more important than variables themselves are the data they point to. Variables can reference simple values like numbers or strings of text, as well as more complex structures like collections and abstract objects that have properties and actions. The data that variables point to has a type which determines the possible value(s) the data can hold and what operations can be done with it (and also tells the computer how to store it and manage it in memory). Different languages have different type systems that deal with types differently.

Primitive Types

Primitive types, or basic types, are the most basic kinds of values we can work with in programs; they are usually provided by the language itself ('built in') and are the basic building blocks that more complex types of data are composed from. The available primitive types vary from language to language.

Although different language compilers and interpreters represent primitive types (and more generally, any type) of data 'behind the scenes' differently from one another, some common representations (particularly from the C family of languages) are described below. It is not important to memorize such low-level details, but it is important to appreciate the practical limitations inherent to them.


Integers are numbers with no fractional/decimal component which can be positive or negative. Integers typically support numerical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and integer division (where the remainder is disregarded), as well as conversion to other numerical types.

Some languages, like C and Java, have a variety of integer types, such as int, short, and long, the difference being the amount of space the data takes up in memory and the range of possible values. Larger types like long take up more memory (and require more work for the CPU to read and operate on), but have a much larger range of possible values, where smaller types use less memory but have a smaller range of values.


Decimals/Floats are numbers with fractional/decimal components which can be positive or negative. Their representation is more complex than integers, similar to scientific notation. 'Float' indicates that the position of the decimal point is not fixed; the number of decimal digits varies. Because of how floats are stored in memory, some calculations may yield a loss of precision, producing small 'rounding errors'.

Similarly to integer types, many langauges have multiple decimal types, such as float and double, again with varying sizes of memory allocation and range of values/precision.


Some languages have a char type, which, in contrast to numerical types, represents a single character of text. A char may be a letter, a numerical character, punctuation, a space, or even special characters like newline or tab characters. Char representation in memory and the possible values varies depending on platform specifics and encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, ASCII etc.) Common operations for chars include changing from lowercase to uppercase (and vice-versa), and comparing by lexigraphical order, which is used often for searching through and sorting text.


Strings are collections of letters, symbols, spaces, numbers etc. joined together and treated as a unit of text. Common operatons for strings include concatenation (joining two or more strings together), finding substrings, removing substrings, inserting substrings, breaking strings down into substrings, getting the length of a string, comparing them, and so on. String values are typically denoted with quotation marks: "this is a string".

Languages that have a char type usually treat strings as collections of chars, but languages such as Ruby only have strings (a string of length 1 is effectively a char).


Booleans are true/false values: they can be either true or false, and nothing else. They are useful for logical conditions, flags/indicators, and "on-off" switches. The result of most comparison operations is a boolean value (8 < 16 => true, name == "John Doe" => false, x <= y, etc.) Some languages treat other, non-boolean types as truthy or falsey, where the value may be treated as true or false, but conventions vary. In C, boolean values are simply ints, where 0 is false and all other values are true. In JavaScript, null, undefined, NaN (Not-a-Number, the result of invalid numerical operations such as division by 0), "" (empty strings), false, and 0 are all falsey, but any object, array, non-empty string, non-zero number, and true are truthy. In Ruby, only nil (Ruby's version of null) and false evaluate to false while any other value of any type is true.

null, nil, undefined

In most languages, variables can exist that don't actually have or point to a value yet; variable declaration and variable assignment are treated as separate operations. Under the hood, decalring a variable tells the computer to reserve a space of memory for the variable, and assignment actually puts a value there. Most languages use a special value called null as the "default" non-existent value. The concept of null takes different forms, such as nil in Ruby. Some languages also use a similar but distinct value if the code references a variable that hasn't even been declared, such as undefined in JavaScript. These special values are useful for programmers in many cases.


Dictionary/hash/associative array



Execution Flow

if, else, else if


Defining functions
calling functions
return values

event-driven programming asynchronous operations callbacks

Object Oriented Programming classes/objects member variables/fields methods message passing/method calls interfaces inheritence polymorphism encapsulation cohesion coupling

OOP design principles KISS DRY SOLID single repsonsibility principle open/closed principle liskov substitution principle interface segregation principle dependency inversion principle GRASP packaging/namespacing abstraction/refactoring design patterns singleton factory command decorator iterator memento dependency injection observer/publish-subscribe ...

Data Structures & Algorithms ADTs arrays circular arrays linked-lists doubly-linked lists hashes/maps stacks queues trees binary trees balanced trees r/b-trees heaps tries

run-time complexity asymptotic bounds/big oh operation costs (insert, remove, append, find)

sorting insertion sort bubble sort merge sort quick sort heap sort bucket sort

searching binary search

recursion dynamic programming

Databases relational tables primary keys foreign keys data integrity cascade operations views normalization



non-relational/no-sql key-value stores redis, etc. document databases mongodb, etc.


Programming in Practice

general interpreters/repl shells compilers

reuse libraries/modules/packages foss

architecture/platform frameworks SDKs

version control svn, cvs, mercurial git commit stash branch merge fork ...

debuggers break points step through/into inspection ...

grep/regex/pattern matching


defacto low level merits of creators, capabilities of the language, nature of the computing scene, chance



Concepts and Topics for new and experienced programmers to learn and master.






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