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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 22, 2023. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

⚠️ attention: critical
⚠️ attention: critical
Requires immediate attention (e.g. Customer facing problem)
⚠️ attention: urgent
⚠️ attention: urgent
Requires attention (e.g. Developer facing problem)
🤖 auto-release: pending
🤖 auto-release: pending
Needs to be tagged with a release
🤖 auto-release: tagged
🤖 auto-release: tagged
Already tagged with a release
autorelease: pending
autorelease: pending
autorelease: tagged
autorelease: tagged
⚠️ breaking change
⚠️ breaking change
Requires major version bump or customer notice
❗ bug
❗ bug
Something is broken
⚠️ caution!
⚠️ caution!
Requires caution! (e.g. service disruption, data loss)
🚫 complexity: *
🚫 complexity: *
Use GitHub Projects instead
🚫 discussion
🚫 discussion
Use GitHub Discussions instead
🚀 documentation
🚀 documentation
Enhances product with documentation
🚫 effort: *
🚫 effort: *
Use complexity label instead
🚧 experiment
🚧 experiment
Just an experiment
🚀 feature
🚀 feature
Enhances product with feature
good first issue
good first issue
🚫 impact: *
🚫 impact: *
Use GitHub Projects instead
$ money
$ money
Reduces cost or increases revenue
🚀 performance
🚀 performance
Enhances product performance
🚫 priority: *
🚫 priority: *
Use GitHub Projects instead
🌈 productivity
🌈 productivity
Increases developer productivity (e.g. automation)
🚫 project: *
🚫 project: *
Use GitHub Projects or scope label instead
🚫 question
🚫 question
Use discussion label instead
🚀 refactor
🚀 refactor
Enhances product readability
scope: <example 1>
scope: <example 1>
The scope (package, module, etc.) affected
scope: <example 2>
scope: <example 2>
The scope (package, module, etc.) affected
❗ security
❗ security
Something is vulnerable
🚥 status: awaiting merge
🚥 status: awaiting merge
Is awaiting merge (prefer auto-merge on small projects)
🚥 status: awaiting review
🚥 status: awaiting review
Is awaiting review
🚥 status: blocked
🚥 status: blocked
Won’t progress further because it’s blocked by something else