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Sphinx extension to hide section headers with non-HTML builders.

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html-section can be installed from PyPI.

To install with pip:

$ python -m pip install html-section

Then enable the extension by adding the following to your file:

extensions = [
                ...,  # Other extensions go here



.. html-section::

The section label Contents will only be shown with the HTML builder. However, the section content will still be visible, and the heading will appear in the table of contents. Consider using Sphinx's .. only:: html directive for that.


.. latex-section::

The section label Contents will only be shown with the LaTeX builder. However, the section content will still be visible, and the heading will appear in the table of contents. Consider using Sphinx's .. only:: latex directive for that.

New in version 0.3.0


.. phantom-section::

The section label Contents will be hidden with all builders, but the section will still exist in the structure of the document (i.e. a new section will be started, without a label). The section content will still be visible, and the heading will appear in the table of contents.