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Spiel Server

Travis CI npm

Spiel server is a middleware framework to make easy create backend applications.

  • You can create easily endpoints with decorators and make more logic your code.
  • Spiel server creates automatically a root endpoint which response with all the endpoints and its methods of the backend application.
  • It uses Roads as core which make possible to attach the middlewares in HTTP servers like Koa.js, Express.js or use roads-server which is also integrate.

Api documentation


How use it

Create your endpoints

Spiel server generates the url request for you according with the class and method name

import {Endpoint, Get, IUrl, Road, SetRouter} from "spiel-server";

class User {
    private body;

    public getUsers() {
        return new Response(users, 200);

    public addUser(url: IUrl) {
        const user = this.body;
        return new Response(users, 200);

Notice that you will have the body request already parsed in this.body if you want the body without parse (string) then you have to past body by argument like this:

class User {
    private body: any;

    public addUser(url: IUrl, body) {
        const user = this.body;
        return new Response(users, 200);

Create your middlewares

import {After, AfterAll, Before, BeforeAll, Delete, Endpoint, Get, HttpError,
    IRouterOptions, IUrl, middleware, Post, Put, Response,
    Road, Server, SetRouter} from "../src";
import {users} from "./assets";

const info = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    console.log(`A ${method} request was made to ${JSON.stringify(path)}`);
    return next();

const infoAll = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    console.log("The middleware start");
    return next();

const changeResponse = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    return next();

const finish = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    return new Response({greet: "Bye"}, 200);

class User {
    private body: any;

    @Get("", {name: "user", secret})
    public getUsers() {
        return new Response(users, 200);
    public getUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const user: any = users.find((elment) => === id);
        return new Response(user, 200);

    @Post("", {name: "admin", secret})
    public addUser(url: IUrl) {
        const user = this.body;
        return new Response(users, 200);

    @Put("#id", {name: "admin", secret})
    public updateUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const resp = => {
            const value = user;
            if ( === id) {
                value.permission = this.body.permission;
            return value;
        if (!resp) {
            return new HttpError("User not found", 404);
        } else {
            return new Response(resp, 200);

    @Delete("#id", {name: "admin", secret})
    public deleteUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const index = users.findIndex((user: any) => === id);
        users.splice(index, 1);
        return new Response(users, 200);

class Greeting {
    public getGreeting(url: IUrl, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => {}) {
        console.log("HELLO EVERYBODY");
        return next();

class OtherClass {
    public getName(url: IUrl, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => {}) {
        return new Response(url.args, 200);

Since the versoin 1.0 you don't need to write any path logic just put before/beforeAll/after/afterAll when you want the middleware execution.

Setting the router

const endpoints = [new User(), [new Greeting(), new OtherClass()]];

const cors = {
    validOrigins: ['http://localhost:8080'],
    responseHeaders: ['content-type']

const configRouter: IRouterOptions = {
  connectionMode: true,
  road: app,
  verbose: true,

new SetRouter(configRouter);

Notice that you can group the routers allowing more flexible project structure

Using the roads API

import {Road, middleware} from "spiel-server";

const app = new Road();

    validOrigins: ['http://localhost:8080'],
    responseHeaders: ['content-type']

About the Roads Api see in Roads docs


If you use Spiel Connect you can send the head authconnection with the token of permission array as value and Spiel Server only will response with the method that match with the permission sent. Example:

Send the token:

const permissions = ["admin", "user"];
secret = "7983ac7ab1f7f706a962f6679bbdaae9ede06519c75e1ae7f1f92f3474eae21d";
const token = jwt.encode(permissions, secret);
headers = {authconnection : token};

Add permission to method

class OtherClass {
    @Get("$name", {name: "admin", secret})
    public getName(url: IUrl, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => {}) {
        return new Response(url.args, 200);

Set authConnection and connectionMode true in router options

const configRouter: IRouterOptions = {
  authConnection: true,
  connectionMode: true,
  road: app,
  verbose: true,

new SetRouter(configRouter);

Complete example with Server

import {After, AfterAll, Before, BeforeAll, Delete, Endpoint, Get, HttpError,
    IRouterOptions, IUrl, middleware, Post, Put, Response,
    Road, Server, SetRouter} from "../src";
import {users} from "./assets";

const app = new Road();
const secret = "7983ac7ab1f7f706a962f6679bbdaae9ede06519c75e1ae7f1f92f3474eae21d";

const server = new Server(app, (error: any) => {
    switch (error.code) {
        case 404:
            return new Response("Not Found", 404);
        case 405:
            return new Response("Not Allowed", 405);
        case 500:
            return new Response(error.message, 500);

const info = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    console.log(`A ${method} request was made to ${JSON.stringify(path)}`);
    return next();

const infoAll = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    console.log("The middleware start");
    return next();

const changeResponse = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    return next();

const finish = (method: string, path: string, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => any) => {
    return new Response({greet: "Bye"}, 200);

class User {
    private body: any;

    @Get("", {name: "user", secret})
    public getUsers() {
        return new Response(users, 200);
    public getUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const user: any = users.find((elment) => === id);
        return new Response(user, 200);

    @Post("", {name: "admin", secret})
    public addUser(url: IUrl) {
        const user = this.body;
        return new Response(users, 200);

    @Put("#id", {name: "admin", secret})
    public updateUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const resp = => {
            const value = user;
            if ( === id) {
                value.permission = this.body.permission;
            return value;
        if (!resp) {
            return new HttpError("User not found", 404);
        } else {
            return new Response(resp, 200);

    @Delete("#id", {name: "admin", secret})
    public deleteUser(url: IUrl) {
        const id =;
        const index = users.findIndex((user: any) => === id);
        users.splice(index, 1);
        return new Response(users, 200);

class Greeting {
    public getGreeting(url: IUrl, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => {}) {
        console.log("HELLO EVERYBODY");
        return next();

class OtherClass {
    public getName(url: IUrl, body: any, headers: Headers, next: () => {}) {
        return new Response(url.args, 200);

const endpoints = [new User(), [new Greeting(), new OtherClass()]];

const configRouter: IRouterOptions = {
  authConnection: true,
  connectionMode: true,
  road: app,
  verbose: true,

new SetRouter(configRouter);

server.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Serve is running in the port 3000");

Config your project:

	"compilerOptions": {
		"module": "commonjs",
		"target": "es6",
		"strict": true,
		"sourceMap": true,
		"rootDir": ".",
		"experimentalDecorators": true,
		"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
		"outDir": "./lib",
		"declaration": true

	"include": [

Run Spiel Server tests

npm test


Spiel Server is MIT licensed. See license