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Polish auto-configuration documentation
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Remove references to outdated information, emphasize use of the
`@AutoConfiguration` annotation and attributes, and edit for clarity.

Closes gh-32174
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scottfrederick committed Sep 1, 2022
1 parent ed77567 commit 7763a5d
Showing 1 changed file with 9 additions and 21 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -6,46 +6,42 @@ Auto-configuration classes can be bundled in external jars and still be picked-u
Auto-configuration can be associated to a "`starter`" that provides the auto-configuration code as well as the typical libraries that you would use with it.
We first cover what you need to know to build your own auto-configuration and then we move on to the <<features#features.developing-auto-configuration.custom-starter,typical steps required to create a custom starter>>.

TIP: A[demo project] is available to showcase how you can create a starter step-by-step.

=== Understanding Auto-configured Beans
Under the hood, auto-configuration is implemented with the `@AutoConfiguration` annotation.
Classes that implement auto-configuration are annotated with `@AutoConfiguration`.
This annotation itself is meta-annotated with `@Configuration`, making auto-configurations standard `@Configuration` classes.
Additional `@Conditional` annotations are used to constrain when the auto-configuration should apply.
Usually, auto-configuration classes use `@ConditionalOnClass` and `@ConditionalOnMissingBean` annotations.
This ensures that auto-configuration applies only when relevant classes are found and when you have not declared your own `@Configuration`.

You can browse the source code of {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}[`spring-boot-autoconfigure`] to see the `@Configuration` classes that Spring provides (see the {spring-boot-code}/spring-boot-project/spring-boot-autoconfigure/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports[`META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports`] file).
You can browse the source code of {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}[`spring-boot-autoconfigure`] to see the `@AutoConfiguration` classes that Spring provides (see the {spring-boot-code}/spring-boot-project/spring-boot-autoconfigure/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports[`META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports`] file).

=== Locating Auto-configuration Candidates

Spring Boot checks for the presence of a `META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports` file within your published jar.
The file should list your configuration classes, as shown in the following example:
The file should list your configuration classes, with one class name per line, as shown in the following example:


TIP: You can use comments via `#` in this file.
TIP: You can add comments to the imports file using the `#` character.

NOTE: Auto-configurations must be loaded that way _only_.
NOTE: Auto-configurations must be loaded _only_ by being named in the imports file.
Make sure that they are defined in a specific package space and that they are never the target of component scanning.
Furthermore, auto-configuration classes should not enable component scanning to find additional components.
Specific ``@Import``s should be used instead.

You can use the {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfigureAfter`] or {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfigureBefore`] annotations if your configuration needs to be applied in a specific order.
If your configuration needs to be applied in a specific order, you can use the `before`, `beforeName`, `after` and `afterName` attributes on the {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfiguration`] annotation or the dedicated {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfigureBefore`] and {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfigureAfter`] annotations.
For example, if you provide web-specific configuration, your class may need to be applied after `WebMvcAutoConfiguration`.

TIP: If you are using the {spring-boot-autoconfigure-module-code}/[`@AutoConfiguration`] annotation, you can use the `before`, `beforeName`, `after` and `afterName` attribute aliases instead of the dedicated annotations.

If you want to order certain auto-configurations that should not have any direct knowledge of each other, you can also use `@AutoConfigureOrder`.
That annotation has the same semantic as the regular `@Order` annotation but provides a dedicated order for auto-configuration classes.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,7 +260,8 @@ If you do it that way, the library is not provided and, by default, Spring Boot

Spring Boot uses an annotation processor to collect the conditions on auto-configurations in a metadata file (`META-INF/`).
If that file is present, it is used to eagerly filter auto-configurations that do not match, which will improve startup time.
It is recommended to add the following dependency in a module that contains auto-configurations:

When building with Maven, it is recommended to add the following dependency in a module that contains auto-configurations:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,16 +296,7 @@ If you have defined auto-configurations directly in your application, make sure

With Gradle 4.5 and earlier, the dependency should be declared in the `compileOnly` configuration, as shown in the following example:

dependencies {
compileOnly "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure-processor"

With Gradle 4.6 and later, the dependency should be declared in the `annotationProcessor` configuration, as shown in the following example:
With Gradle, the dependency should be declared in the `annotationProcessor` configuration, as shown in the following example:

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