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Releases: stampit-org/stamp-specification

Getters and Setters built in support

15 Sep 10:20
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JavaScript getters and setters are now no different to string or Symbol properties. This means that you can have getters in methods, properties, static properties, configuration, etc.


const HasFullName = compose({
  properties: {
    firstName: "",
    lastName: ""
  methods: {
    get fullName() {
        return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;
    set fullName(name) {
        var words = name.toString().split(" ");
        this.firstName = words[0] || "";
        this.lastName = words[1] || "";

const developer = HasFullName();
developer.fullName = "Vasyl Boroviak";
console.log(developer.firstName); // "Vasyl"
console.log(developer.lastName); // "Boroviak"  
console.log(developer.fullName); // "Vasyl Boroviak"

New feature - composers

11 Oct 09:44
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More information can be found here.

Composers are designed to mutate the resulting stamp to your needs.


import stampit from 'stampit';

const SelfAware = stampit()
  .composers(({stamp, composables}) => {
    const methods = stamp.compose.methods || {};
    methods.getStamp = () => stamp; // mutation! Adding a method
    stamp.compose.methods = methods;

const MyOtherStamp = stampit( ... ).compose(SelfAware); // add the behavior
const obj = MyOtherStamp();
MyOtherStamp === obj.getStamp();

Symbols support

31 Jul 13:29
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In this release descriptors can have Symbols as object keys in addition to the regular string keys.

const S = Symbol();
const Stamp = compose({properties: { [S]: 'foo' }});[S] === 'foo';

const instance = Stamp();
instance[S] === 'foo';

Works for deep merged things too.

Standardized merge algorithm

27 Jul 11:13
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In this release the deep merging algorithm has been standardised. It is:

  • Plain objects are deeply merged.
  • Array are concatenated.
  • Everything else (including Symbols) is copied by assignment.
const ReferencedStamp = compose();

const FirstStamp = compose({deepProperties: {
  anotherStamp: null
const SecondStamp = compose({deepProperties: {
  anotherStamp: ReferencedStamp
const CombinedStamp = compose(FirstStamp, SecondStamp);

const stampFromMetadata = CombinedStamp.compose.deepProperties.anotherStamp;

Previously the stampFromMetadata was a POJO:
Object.getPrototypeOf(stampFromMetadata) === Object.prototype

With this release it will be copied by reference:
stampFromMetadata === ReferencedStamp

Default options argument in initializers

02 Jun 06:50
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In this release the initializers won't need to check if the option argument was passed:

const MyStamp = compose({initializers: [
  function (options = {}) { // <-- not needed any more
    console.log(options.opt1); // used to throw here

The line below will just work now.

const MyStamp = compose({initializers: [
  function (options) {
    console.log(options.opt1); // used to throw here

Previously it was throwing. So that you always had to pass an empty object:


Although, this won't save you from the following:

MyStamp(null); // will throw regardless
MyStamp(42); // will throw regardless

Non duplicate intializers

21 May 07:38
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In this release the descriptor's .initializers array must not contain duplicate initializers.

function init() {}

const Stamp = compose({ initializers: [init] }).compose({ initializers: [init] });
const stampInitializers = Stamp.compose.initializers;

In previous release the array would contain 2 items:
stampInitializers.length === 2

In this release the array will contain only unique item, i.e. one:
stampInitializers.length === 1