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Guiding principles

Laura Kalbag edited this page May 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Help beginners become experts.

We want to encourage beginners to learn about XState and Stately Studio, and help everyone to learn more about XState and Stately Studio. Always keep the beginner in mind when writing and structuring content, try to lead them to the best place to learn, and avoid intimidating them with jargon or complex instructions up front.

It will never be perfect or finished.

The documentation is a living site attempting to document the current state of XState and Stately Studio. There will always be another improvement to be made and future platform update which requires additional documentation.

Break tasks and revisions into achievable chunks. Focus on good, not perfect.

Explain it well, once.

If you take the time to write a great explanation, you shouldn’t have to write it over and over again in multiple places.

Find the best place to keep that information, and link to it. There shouldn’t be lots of locations to find the same information, as over time some locations will be updated where others aren’t, and we’ll end up with inconsistencies.

Accessibility is the minimum viable product.

The content is only ready once the accessible format is ready. Making content accessible isn’t difficult and we can show people that we care about inclusivity by providing alternative accessible formats of our content wherever needed.