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This role installs ferm and ipset and allows to copy ferm configuration files to the machine.


This is tested on Debian but should also work on its derivates.

Role Variables

Name Required/Default Description
ferm_deploy_config_files_defaults See defaults Default flags given to the copy module when copying the config files.
ferm_deploy_configs See defaults A list of ferm config files to be put on the host. Each item should be a dict containing the keys and values as expected by the copy module. Any values not specified in that dict will be taken from ferm_deploy_config_files_defaults.
ferm_deploy_ip_blacklists undefined A list of paths on the target. The files at these paths will be concatenated into ferm_deploy_combined_blacklists_file
ferm_deploy_combined_blacklists_file /etc/ferm/_ansible_combined_ip_blacklists.txt The path of the file, into which the blacklists are combined


For the most simple case no variable needs to be set. Then the folder ferm in the files directory of the playbook will be copied to /etc/ferm on the host.

If the files to be copied and the file attributes for them need to be customized the config could look like that:

  mode: 0644
  directory_mode: 0755
  owner: root
  group: network
  - dest: /etc/ferm/ferm.conf
    src: ferm/ferm.conf
  - dest: /etc/ferm/someOtherFile.conf
    src: ferm/someOtherFile.conf
  - dest: /etc/ferm/someFolder
    src: ferm/someFolder/

It is also possible to specify the content within a file:

  - dest: /etc/ferm/ferm.conf
    content: |
      domain ip chain INPUT {
        mod state state INVALID DROP;
        mod state state (ESTABLISHED RELATED) ACCEPT;
        proto tcp dport 22 ACCEPT;

Using the combined ip blacklist

Configure which files should be combined:

  - /etc/ferm/wordpress_ip_blacklist.txt
  - /etc/ferm/manual_ip_blacklist.txt

These filenames must not contain any characters interpreted by bash.

And then configure ferm to use the combined file:

# Initialise ipset for blacklists
@hook pre 'ipset -exist create blacklists hash:net';
@hook pre 'ipset flush blacklists ; cat /etc/ferm/_ansible_combined_ip_blacklists.txt | sed -e "s/;.*//" | sed -e "/^\$/d" | xargs -d"\n" -P4 -I{} echo "add blacklists {}" | ipset - 1>/dev/null';
@hook flush 'ipset flush blacklists';


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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