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PLUS Fuzzer (network procotol fuzzer for shim layers)


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pluzz - plus fuzz

pluzz is a network protocol fuzzer for shim layer protocols like PLUS (Path Layer UDP Substrate). It is expandable to other future shim layer protocols as well.

The next few sections describe the installation and usage of pluzz.

Installation of pluzz

The fuzzer is developed and tested with Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 LTS. The following manuals are valid for that version, but should work with newer versions too.

  1. Update the components of the operating system to a recent version with sudo apt-get update, followed by sudo apt-get upgrade.
  2. Install Git with the command sudo apt-get install git.
  3. Configure Git with the command git config --global "Your Name" and git config --global "".
  4. Download Go with command wget (Actual version at time of writing).
  5. Extract downloaded archive with sudo tar -xvf go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz.
  6. Move extracted data to desired path by sudo mv go /usr/local.
  7. Open file ~/.profile with e.g. nano.
  8. Add the following entries as environment variables at the end of the file:
   # set PATH so it includes user's private bin directories
   export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
   export GOPATH=$HOME/go-projects
   export PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH"
  1. Log off from Ubuntu and log in again. Open a command line.
  2. Check Go installation with command go version.
  3. Create the Go projects folder at $HOME/go-projects.
  4. Download Visual Studio Code from Microsoft as .deb file. (Or your favourite IDE)
  5. Install Visual Studio Code by double clicking the downloaded package and follow the instructions.
  6. Install the Go extension for Visual Studio Code by clicking the extensions menu on the left side and search for Go.
  7. Install the pcap development headers with command sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev.
  8. Get the source code of pluzz with the command: go get
  9. Add the work folder $HOME/go-projects/src to Visual Studio Code.
  10. Copy the file plusLayer.go to ~/go-projects/src/ and uncomment the whole file.
  11. Change the package statement in plusLayer.go to package layers.
  12. Add the following code to udp.go in layers subpackage in function NextLayerType(). Set the code in front of the existing function body:
   // Check for magic of ShimLayer at fixed position
   // and set the next layer according to that.
   if len(u.Payload) >= 4 {
	   magic := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(u.Payload[0:4]) >> 4
	   expected := uint32(0xd8007ff)
	   if magic == expected {
		   return ShimLayerType
   // Rest of the existing code unchanged...
  1. Compile the fuzzer with the command go build within the folder ~/go-projects/src/
  2. Installation/preparation completed.

Command line options for pluzz

You get a description for the command line options by executing command ~/go-projects/src/ -help.

Option Type Description
-dev string Network interface, for sending and receiving packets.
-fuzz-fields boolean Boolean which determines, if packet fields should be fuzzed. Can be used to globally enable or disable fuzzing. (default true)
-fuzz-payload boolean Boolean which determines, if payload should be fuzzed. (default false)
-fuzzer-seed int Seed for random generator of fuzzer. Used by gofuzz to make fuzzing deterministic. (default 0)
-local-port uint Local port of the transport layer for the local system, eg. UDP or TCP Port. (default 10000)
-logfile-path string Path to save the log file of fuzzing. (default "/var/tmp/fuzz-log-.txt")
-max-payload-len int Maximum length in bytes for payload. (default 1000)
-max-storage int Maximum storage for pcap files in kilo bytes. 0 means unlimited. (default 0)
-min-payload-len int Minimum length in bytes for payload. (default 6)
-num-packets int Number of packets to send to target during fuzzing. (default 4294967296)
-packet-send-interval int Sending interval of packets in milliseconds. (default 200)
-pcap-file-size int Create new pcap file after ... kilo bytes. (default 100)
-pcap-path-fuzz string Path to existing packet capture for fuzzing it.
-pcap-path-replay string Path to packet capture for replay.
-pcap-path-send string Path to output pcap file, so save the sent packets. (default "/var/tmp/fuzz-send-.pcap")
-replay-following boolean Boolean which defines, if the following pcap files should be replayed as well. For this, the filenames of the pcap files have to end with <-nr> (e.g. -0) and count up with an incrementing number. (default false)
-save-sent-packets boolean Boolean which determines if fuzzed packets should be saved to pcap file. (default false)
-source-ip string IP address of the original source of the fuzzing process to poison its ARP table. Activates man-in-the-middle mode.
-ssh-command string Command to start the SUT on the target. To let the process run in background, even the SSH session is closed, use tmux to create a named terminal multiplexer session in background. Install tmux with 'sudo apt-get install tmux'. You can execute multiple commands, separated by ';'. Use '' to enclose commands containing white spaces. The following command is an example to kill an existing process and start a new one: pkill server; tmux new -d -s FuzzSession '~/go/src/'
-ssh-password string Password to access the target machine by SSH.
-ssh-process-name string Name of the process to check the status for with pgrep .
-ssh-user string Username to access the target machine by SSH.
-target-ip string IP address of the target of the fuzzing process.
-target-port uint Target port of the transport layer for the remote system (SUT), e.g. UDP or TCP Port. (default 9999)
-verbose boolean Writes more information to the StdOut, if set to true. (default false)

Preparation of SUT

To start the SUT from the test system, you have to install an SSH server and a terminal multiplexer on the target system.

  1. Install the openssh-server with command sudo apt-get install openssh-server.
  2. Install the terminal multiplexer tmux with command sudo apt-get install tmux.

See the usage in section above for the command line option ssh-command.


  1. Prepare the fuzzer according to section above.
  2. Define the protocol fields meta data in file packetStructure.go. Set the FuzzIt to true for the fields to be fuzzed or define a constant value for meta field Value.
  3. Enable/Disable custom fuzzing functions at the end of the file fuzzFunctions.go. Therefore, add the function name to the slice variable fuzzFuncs.
  4. Compile the fuzzer with the command go build within the folder ~/go-projects/src/
  5. Start the fuzzing with command sudo ~/go-projects/src/ and the necessary command line options from section above.

Develop custom fuzzing

The fuzzer allows you to fuzz each field with random values or set them with your custom logic. Therefore, you are able to define your own fuzzing functions and implement the logic yourself. Each fuzzing function consists of two parameters. The first is the protocol field to fuzz and the second a fuzz.Continue object. To fuzz the field, set the value of the pointer variable within the function body with the desired value. Following Listing shows an example implementation, to fuzz a field from type net.IP with a syntactically correct IP address. To enable your fuzzing function, add the function name to the variable fuzzFuncs at the end of fuzzFunctions.go.

// FuzzIPAddrValidRandom fuzzes a net.IP type with a
// syntactically correct address
func FuzzIPAddrValidRandom(i *net.IP, c fuzz.Continue) {
	*i = net.IP{byte(rand.Intn(256)), byte(rand.Intn(256)),
		byte(rand.Intn(256)), byte(rand.Intn(256))}

// fuzzFuncs defines slice for fuzzing functions and add
// them to slice, which is used from the fuzzer.
// You have to add your custom fuzzing functions here
// manually to fuzzFuncs, comma separated.
var fuzzFuncs = []interface{}{FuzzIPAddrValidRandom}

Develop custom Shim Layer

To simplify the development of a custom shim layer, you can use the template shimLayerTemplate.go.

  1. Copy this file to the gopacket.layers subpackage.
  2. Uncomment the whole file.
  3. Define all the protocol field types at the beginning of the file, within the marked section for changes.
  4. Define the return value, to get the address of each field by adding each field type to the function getAddressFromReflect() in file fuzzHelper.go according to the examples.
  5. Define the structure of the shim layer in the ShimLayer struct.
  6. Each field gets four meta data fields MinLen, MaxLen, Value, FuzzIt.
  7. Implement the two functions DecodeFromBytes() and SerializeTo().
  8. Define the layers of your packet on top within packetStructure.go.
  9. Define the order of the layers in the function getLayerStack() in packetStructure.go.
  10. Set the values for the new shim layer meta fields in InitShimLayer() of the file packetStructure.go.
  11. Implement the function DecodePacket() within packetStructure.go, if you want to fuzz an original packet capture with the command line option -pcap-path-fuzz.

Examples for fuzzing

Goal Command
Fuzzing with manual start of SUT on target system without packet capture. Sending interval is 100 milliseconds and 2000 packets should be sent. Fuzz the target system with IP address on port 5999 sudo ~/go-projects/src/ -dev="ens33" -target-ip="" -target-port=5999 -local-port=10000 -packet-send-interval=100 -num-packets=2000
Fuzzing with automatic start of SUT by SSH. Capture packets to file and split them into files of maximum 50 kB and store maximum 200 kB. sudo ~/go-projects/src/ -dev="ens33" -target-ip="" -target-port=5999 -local-port=10000 -packet-send-interval=100 -num-packets=2000 -ssh-command="pkill server; tmux new -d -s FuzzSession '~/go/src/'" -ssh-user="administrator" -ssh-password="admin1234." -ssh-process-name="server" -save-sent-packets -pcap-path-send="/var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture.pcap" -logfile-path="/var/tmp/fuzz-log.txt" -pcap-file-size=50 -max-storage=200
Replay packets from file /var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture-0.pcap sudo ~/go-projects/src/ -dev="ens33" -target-ip="" -target-port=5999 -local-port=10000 -packet-send-interval=100 -ssh-command="pkill server; tmux new -d -s FuzzSession '~/go/src/'" -ssh-user="administrator" -ssh-password="admin1234." -ssh-process-name="server" -pcap-path-replay="/var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture-0.pcap" -logfile-path="/var/tmp/fuzz-replay-log.txt"
Replay packets from file /var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture-0.pcap and the following files of the same fuzzing process. sudo ~/go-projects/src/ -dev="ens33" -target-ip="" -target-port=5999 -local-port=10000 -packet-send-interval=100 -ssh-command="pkill server; tmux new -d -s FuzzSession '~/go/src/'" -ssh-user="administrator" -ssh-password="admin1234." -ssh-process-name="server" -pcap-path-replay="/var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture-0.pcap" -logfile-path="/var/tmp/fuzz-replay-log.txt" -replay-following
Replay an original packet capture from a pcap file and fuzz the values. sudo ~/go-projects/src/ -dev="ens33" -target-ip="" -target-port=5999 -local-port=10000 -packet-send-interval=100 -ssh-command="pkill server; tmux new -d -s FuzzSession '~/go/src/'" -ssh-user="administrator" -ssh-password="admin1234." -ssh-process-name="server" -pcap-path-fuzz="/var/tmp/fuzz-packet-capture-0.pcap" -logfile-path="/var/tmp/fuzz-capture-log.txt" -replay-following


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