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Image Captioning



In this paper we present various models that generates natural language descriptions of images and their regions. Our approach uses dense neural networks for this task. We use combination of convolution neural networks over the image regions to extract features from the image and then used Recurrent neural networks to generate text from these features. We also incorporate the attention mechanism while generating Natural language sequence from these features. This project leverages COCO dataset of images and their corresponding captions to learn about the inter-modal correspondences between and visual data and its natural language description. This paper then present results on unseen test set and also compare the results for different configurations of convolution neural networks(VGG and Resnet), using LSTM or GRU for recurrent neural network and results with and without the attention mechanism.

Keywords:RNN, GRU, LSTM, RESNET, VGG, Attention, Embeddings

1. Introduction

Automatically captioning the image is a fundamental problem in artificial intelligence. Image captioning task can have numerous applications. Most basic application can be to generate captions such that the images which accurately matches the search query can be easily searched by the search engines over the Internet. Other such application can be to generate captions so that similar images can be paired together in a huge corpus eg: all images of flowers. Similarly many other applications can be thought for the task of image captioning. Humans are very efficient at this task and can provide highly detailed description of an image with just one quick glance. However this task has been proven to be very hard for artificial systems before the advent of deep learning models. The majority of previous work in visual recognition has focused on labeling images with a fixed set of visual categories and this closed vocabulary assumption proves very restrictive when compared to the enormous amount of rich descriptions that a human can compose. Deep learning models perform very well at this task and in this project we follow deep learning approach to tackle the problem of automatic image captioning. Convolution neural networks[1] belong to a class of neural networks which are used to extract features from an image. Very dense combination of convolution neural networks is used in mostly every state of the art model for solving the problems in the field of computer vision. Recurrent neural networks belong to another class of neural networks which aside from having a feed forward network also maintain previous states[2]. Thus recurrent neural networks are widely used in problems related to natural languages such as machine translation because the output can also depend on any of the previous states. As the problem of image captioning connects the fields of computer vision and natural language processing we use combination of convolution neural networks for extracting features from the image and then pass these features to a recurrent neural network to generate natural language description of the image. In this project we experiment with different configurations of convolution neural networks such as ResNet and VGG. We also experiment with different Recurrent neural networks namely LSTMs and GRUs. We also incorporate the attention mechanism such that the neural network will focus on a particular region in the image while generating description related to that region of the image. We then present the results and compare the results for above mentioned configurations.

2. Related Work

As mentioned above there have been several attempts at solving the problem of automatic image captioning before deep learning models were popularized. Some examples are Midge - Mitchell et al.[3] and BabyTalk[4]. In their paper Mitchell et al. leveraged syntactically informed word co-occurrence statistics such that their generator filters and constrains the noisy detections output from a vision system to generate syntactic trees that detail what the computer vision system sees. In BabyTalk they first smooths the output of computer vision-based detection and recognition algorithms with statistics mined from large pools of visually descriptive text to determine the best content words to use to describe an image. Then they choose words to construct natural language sentences based on the predicted content and general statistics from natural language. Many of the recent papers Kiros et al.[5], Vinyals et al.[6] on image captioning uses Generative approach instead of retrieval approach. In generative approach the caption is generated from the entire vocabulary but in retrieval approach best words are picked among a certain restricted set (they restricted their vocabulary size to approx 9567 words).Even unseen captions can be generated with End- to-end models. Few papers followed End-to-end approach instead of pipeline approach, where in end-to-end[6] the solution is encapsulated in one neural net. In this model they are using a pipeline approach where they first used a vgg net to extract the image descriptions and then used a language model to generate the sequences. The advantage of an End-to-end model is that the solution is embedded in one neural net and can be fully trainable using Stochastic Gradient Descent.

3. Dataset(s)

We use Microsoft COCO: common objects in context dataset[7] for training the neural network model. The dataset contains images of complex everyday scenes containing common objects in their natural context. The dataset also contains five captions for each image. We divide the dataset between training and test set such that there are around 82k images in training set and around 40k images in test set. Prime motivation for using this dataset is that its been experimentally verified that models trained on COCO dataset perform better when evaluated on everyday scenes as compared to those trained with prior datasets. The convolution neural network in our deep neural model expects all the images to be of same size thus images in the dataset have been resized and cropped to 224x224 pixels and are normalized before passing to the convolution network.

4. Architecture

The architecture of the basic model[8] without attention is shown in fig:1. As a first step we gathered the set of words that are in vocabulary. Any word whose count is greater than a threshold of 4 in caption sequences is added to the vocabulary set. Each word is also given an index which will be used to represent a word before passing to the embedding layer. To get word embedding for any word we can pass the index of the word to the embedding layer in the model. The weights of embedding layer are also trained with the model. We get the word embeddings from the embedding layer which are passed to the LSTM.

Fig. 1. Architecture of deep neural network

As can be seen from the figure, the image of dimension 3x224x224 is passed as an input to the convolution neural network. The images are initially resized to 256x256 and then cropped to 224x224. We use random horizontal flip and random crop for data augmentation. The convolution layers are taken from pre- trained ResNet model. Once the image is passed through the convolution layers we get a feature vector of size 2048. This feature vector is then passed through a linear layer and the output is a vector of size 256. This vector is then provided as an input to the LSTM whose hidden state and cell state are initialized to 0. For all the next time steps LSTM will maintain its cell state and hidden state and at each time step next token in the image caption sequence is provided as input to the LSTM. At each time step a token out of vocabulary is predicted.

4.1 Attention Mechanism

As it can be seen in the above model the feature map from convolution neural network, after getting passed through a linear layer, is used only as an input to LSTM at zeroth time step, and is not used as an input in any of the remaining time-steps. Hence we can see that the context vector which is used by the decoder to unfold entire caption sequence is of size 256. Sometimes this small size context vector may not be able to summarize the information of the entire image and thus we need attention mechanism[9] which lets the decoder learn to focus over a specific region of the input image while generating description of that region[10].

Fig. 2. Architecture of deep neural network with attention mechanism

In this architecture, as can be seen in fig:3, starting from the first time-step we calculate attention weights[11]. To calculate attention weights we concatenate word embeddings of the current token with the current hidden state of the LSTM. This concatenated vector is then passed through a linear layer and to get the attention weights softmax function is applied to the output. We want our neural network to learn to focus of certain region in the image while generating the description of that image region. Thus these attention weights are then multiplied(element wise) with cnn feature map weights to get attended weights. After applying attention to the feature map of the image we use these attended weights in the prediction of next token in image’s natural language description. The attended weights are then concatenated with the word embeddings and passed through a linear layer such that the output vector is of same size as word embedding. This vector is then passed as input to the LSTM. Similar to the previous architecture here also all the cell states and hidden states will be maintained by the LSTM for each time step.
During the test phase, the encoder part is almost same as the training phase. The only difference is that batchnorm layer uses moving average and variance instead of mini-batch statistics. This is implemented by changing the state of encoder to evaluate from training. There is a significant difference for the decoder part between the training phase and the test phase. During the test phase, as the LSTM decoder can’t see the image description we pass the previously generated word as the next input. The maximum allowed length of generated sequence is 20 words. We ignore all the remaining tokens once we encounter end of speech tagin the generated sequence.

Fig. 3.Attention

5. Experiments and Results

We experiment with different convolution neural networks namely ResNet and VGG. We also experiment with different RNNs namely LSTM and GRU. We have referenced chen et al. [12] for calculating BLEU score and CIDEr scores. Fig: 5 shows calculated BLEU score and CIDEr score on validation set. As can be seen from the results, BLUE score with attention model is slightly higher as compared to other models. The configuration of ResNet for convolution neural network and LSTM for RNN gives best results among all the other configura- tions, thus I have extended this configuration to implement attention model. Fig: 4 shows the decrease in training loss with training time for this model with and without attention. Both the plots are quite overlapping and training loss for attention model after convergence is almost same as compared to the model without attention.

Fig. 4.Training loss vs training time

Fig. 5.Results

6 Conclusion and Results Interpretation

We get best results while using ResNet as convolution network as compared to VGG. This might be due to the reason that ResNet has extra skip connections that pass important features from earlier layers to later layers. For the recur- rent neural network, results are almost same for LSTM and GRU with LSTM giving slightly better results. The advantage of GRU over LSTM is that it has two gates where LSTM has three gates, thus a GRU is faster to train and the results are comparable for GRU and LSTM. We also experiment with various optimizers such as SGD, Adam and RMSprop. The best results were obtained using RMSprop as optimizer. We present few examples of generated captions on the unseen test dataset with and without the attention mechanism. It can be clearly seen from these examples that captions generated by the model with at- tention mechanism describes the image scene in a much better way as compared to the captions generated without the attention mechanism. We also present few examples where both the models predicted caption incorrectly. Although the generated captions for these images are incorrect but they describe very closely related scenes. Our model might have seen these features in those closely related images while training.

Caption with attention mechanism: a wooden bunk bed and wooden ladder.
Caption without attention mechanism: a wooden shelf with a white and yellow surfboard.

Caption with attention mechanism: a room with a chair , table , and a television.
Caption without attention mechanism: a room with a large wooden table and chairs.

Caption with attention mechanism: a kitchen with a chair , refrigerator , stove and other kitchen supplies.
Caption without attention mechanism: a kitchen with a sink , refrigerator and a stove

Caption with attention mechanism: a wine glass and a bottle on a table
Caption without attention mechanism: a wine glass is sitting on a table

Caption with attention mechanism: a traffic light hanging over a street next to a building
Caption without attention mechanism: a traffic light sitting on the side of a road

Caption with attention mechanism: a plane flying over a body of water
Caption without attention mechanism: a large white bird flying over a body of water

Caption with attention mechanism: a baby brushing it ’s teeth with a tooth brush
Caption without attention mechanism: a baby is sitting on a toothbrush in a tub

Caption with attention mechanism: a stop sign on a pole on a street
Caption without attention mechanism: a red stop sign sitting on the side of a road

Caption with attention mechanism: a woman in a red jacket skiing down a hill
Caption without attention mechanism: a man riding skis down a snow covered slope


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Image Captioning project for Computer Vision Course at NYU






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